31. Planes [Personal]

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This one is for you, Kristen_1999. I really hope you like it. Lemme know what you think. x

The memories of when we met each other played in my head and a smile tugged at the end of my lips just thinking about that day. Harry and I met in kindergarten, both still in diapers.

I remember him playing with Lego blocks on the ground and I was just walking around the room, watching the other kids play or fight. My chubby legs still weren't completely used to walking, but I enjoyed doing it. I was so focused on my friend playing with an extremely nice looking car, that I didn't notice Harry's Lego house was right in front of me. Taking another small step, I stumbled over the house and fell on Harry. My giggles filled the entire room, amused by the whole situation. Harry thought otherwise. He stared at his ruined little house and started crying. The poor baby was so heartbroken and hearing his sobs made me realise it wasn't so funny. I quickly jumped off him and tried to calm him down, but he just pushed me away, holding his face in his hands and crying louder. 10 minutes later, I had built his Lego house all over again and poked him in the arm. He removed his hands from his face and in that moment, it all started. I had just met my best friend.

My thoughts were interrupted by Harry's voice and I looked up to meet his green eyes. "You ready?" he asked while holding his hand out for me. I nodded, took his hand and we left the house.

It was a perfect day to go for a walk. Ever since Harry and I moved in together we made it our daily routine to go for a walk in the park. We had promised each other we'd never miss a day and now 7 years later we still hadn't broke that promise. "Is everything okay, Kristen?" Harry lightly squeezed my hand he was holding, something he always did to reassure me I could tell him everything.

"Yeah, just thinking about things." His lips softly kissed the top of my head and I melted into his touch.

A giant tree ahead of us made Harry and I walk slower. That tree was kind of 'our' spot. The smell of the oaken tree was relaxing and nobody ever sat there, so that made it our secret spot. I loved sitting there, maybe reading a good book with Harry's head in my lap while my fingers played with his Harry. The amount of picnics Harry had organised next to that oaken tree was countless too. I just loved that spot.

Harry pulled me down to sit next to him, our thighs touching and his hands mindlessly playing with my fingers. After all those years it still made the butterflies come alive.

"Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you hadn't stumbled over my Lego blocks?" Harry asked.

"I don't even wanna know." He hummed in agreement and for a couple of minutes we just sat there, enjoying each other's company.

"I'm honestly so happy you are as clumsy as you are, because otherwise I'd never met you and I really don't know what I would have done without you."

"Oh, c'mon. Don't get sappy on me now, Harry," I teased and he chuckled. A smile covered both of our faces, getting lost in the moment.

"I love you, Kristen. So much." I didn't need to reply, because Harry knew how much I loved him. Instead I just let my lips linger on his cheek and placed my head on his shoulder. "Can you do something for me?" he asked out of nowhere.

Without even thinking about what he might need, I nodded my head. "Everything."

"Can you look up for me?"

A little confused by his request, I lifted my head off of his shoulder and looked at the sky. It had a light blue colour, no cloud to be seen. I scrunched my eyebrows, trying to found out what Harry wanted me to see. "What-"

"Shh." Harry let my shoulder go and then pointed at something in the sky. My eyes followed the direction he was pointing at. Two planes were flying around in the air. I still felt so confused with everything, but after a couple of seconds I noticed the planes weren't just flying around, they were trying to form words. Then, I finally saw it.

'Will you marry me?'

Those 4 words knocked all the oxygen out of my lungs and I looked at Harry with big eyes. His famous smirk was playing on his beautiful lips and it was like his eyes were asking me the exact same question. I couldn't help but feel a bit emotional by this all. I started to tear up a bit and looked at the words the planes had formed in the sky and then back at Harry. He was still smirking, giving me all the time I needed to compose myself.

"Yes! Of course I will marry you!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. Our lips easily moved together as one, making my insides turn around. I loved this man so damn much.

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