19. He Calms You Down AU

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Jackson => Your Boyfriend's Name.


"Calm down, tiger. That's my friend you're talking about."

Your boyfriend, Jackson, was talking crap about your friend, Harry, and you were totally fed up with it.

"I don't care, (Y/N)! I know he fancies you-"

"He doesn't."

"Yes, he does! I don't want you to hang out with him again."

"You can't tell me who I can hang out with and who not! He's my friend, end of discussion," you huffed. Who the hell does he think he is?

"You choose, (Y/N). Me or your so called friend."

In the corner of your eye, you saw Harry approaching you and you tried to get his attention. Bad timing, dude.

Jackson noticed it and quickly turned around. His fists clenched and he gave you an angry glare.

"Hi, guys," Harry greeted and pulled you in a hug. When you two pulled away, your boyfriend wasn't looking too happy. Harry probably noticed and questioned him about it.

"Why are you looking so angry, mate?" He questioned playfully.

"Well, you tell me, Harry." Jackson stepped in front of you and glared at Harry.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"She's mine, okay? Hands off."

This was escalating way too quickly for your liking.

"Jackson, leave it. You-"

He interrupted you. Your boyfriend digged his finger into Harry's chest, taunting him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, dude. Calm down." Harry's hand flew up in the air, trying to prove his innocence.

"No idea?! You have no idea?!" Your boyfriend's head turned an unhealthy red color. He charged forward, his fist connecting with Harry's jaw. The blow left a terrifying noise hanging in the air.

Harry's back was pushed against the lockers while Jackson tried to punch him again. Without thinking clearly, you jumped on Jackson's back and pulled him down. You straddled his lap and held him back. Then you exploded.

"You freaking idiot! What did you do that for?"

You were pulled off of him by two strong arms in a matter of seconds. Harry looked you in the eye, trying to calm you down. You were slightly shaking and your breaths came out heavily. When you finally calmed down, you noticed that Harry's nose was bleeding badly and he had a cut across his cheek.

"I'm taking you to the nurse." You pulled Harry behind you and started walking without looking back at your boyfriend. He shouldn't have hit Harry.

A chuckle left Harry's lips and you looked at him in confusion. He held your hand a bit tighter and made you walk a bit slower. "Thanks for saving me, superman."

You laughed at his comment . "It's superwoman for you, mister. Now let's get you to the nurse."


Impatience took over your body when you waited outside the nurse's office. A couple of minutes later - it seemed like an hour - Harry finally walked out. It was quite the funny view. The complete left side of his face was covered with a bandage and a big bruise was starting to form around his right eye.

"What are you laughing at?"

"You're looking good," you quietly giggled. Harry bumped your hip and you started laughing harder.

"I'm glad you can smile again," he admitted.

A sigh escaped your mouth. Running your hand through your hair was something you did when you were uncomfortable. Why was it always this hard?

"Hey, hey. It's okay. Everything is going to be fine." Harry's left arm wrapped itself around your shoulders, and he pulled you closer.

"Why is he such a jealous asshole?" you asked more to yourself than to Harry. He shrugged and took your hand in his while entwining your fingers.

"I'd be scared to lose you, too, if I had you." Your friend mumbled quietly.


lthough you had clearly heard what he said, you decided not to react to it. Everything was already such a mess. You ignored the fact Harry had basically poured his feelings out to you, you just took a step closer, laying your head on his shoulder. A deep sigh left your lips.

Why did love always have to be so complicated?


You guys literally make my day! That deserves some kisses! ;-)

You guys literally make my day! That deserves some kisses! ;-)

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