48. Age Gap Part 1

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The throbbing of your head is almost unbearable when you listen to your roommate, Chloe, ramble about all the work she still needs to finish.

6 a.m.

The sun shines brightly through the shared apartment, the birds chirp loudly and happily from outside the window, but it's too early. Too early for you to be awake, and certainly too early for a rambling session. You love your roommate dearly, but she can be a tiny bit annoying sometimes.

A steaming cup of coffee rests in your hand as you desperately try to register all the information Chloe is listing. She had been up all night coughing and sneezing and she basically just kept you awake the entire night. When the clock stroke 5.30, Chloe had decided it was a good idea to get ready and go to work, despite the fact she could barely stand straight for a minute. You remember you had almost yelled in her face and ordered her to lie down again on the bed and get some rest. Almost. But after a lot of persuasion, you both came to an agreement. You would go to her office to get her all the paperwork she needed, while she tried to sleep a bit.

Now, bright and early, you are dressed and ready to go. You quickly sallow something for your growing headache and just before you want to leave, Chloe yells all the instructions she has given you from her bedroom again. With a smile playing on your lips, you pull on your black, leather boots, and close the door behind you. As you take a step outside you get hit by the already growing heat the sun provides for today and you sigh. The things you do for friends...

The ride toward Chloe's office is calm and quiet, much to your relief. Not only does it soothe the pain in your head, it also makes you a little sleepy. Thoughts about your warm bed, the soft pillows placed on it and the comfy mattress enters your mind and you think about how lovely it will be to just lie down again and fall asleep for a couple of hours. The thoughts bring a smile to your lips.

A friendly looking woman smiles warmly at you when you enter the enormous building. Most of the walls are painted white, some a light grey colour, and the furniture is rather modern and classy. It looks like the typical office; clean and modern.
After you take the elevator to the fifth floor, you head toward the end of the hall and then take a left turn, just as Chloe has instructed you. You pass people who look weirdly at you, probably wondering who you are and what you're doing.

The information your roommate has given you swirls through your head. After a few minutes, you take a halt in front of a dark blue door that has Chloe's full name written on a small, black name tag in curly handwriting. You wipe your sweaty hands dry on your jeans, take a step forward and turn the doorknob. You expect it to open right away, without any struggle, but the doorknob doesn't twist. It doesn't even make any movements. You try again, this time slightly wiggling it too, but without any result. It's locked.

You scold yourself for forgetting that one small, important thing as a sigh leaves past your lips. Only you can forget something so important. You're so stupid sometimes. You lean your head against the door, and when you are about the text Chloe about your tiny problem, a deep voice from behind you startles you. With wide eyes and your mouth slightly agape, you quickly turn your head toward the direction where the voice came from. A sharp pain goes through your head from the quick action, and you shut your eyes in anticipation. That wasn't a smart move.

"Can I help you?"

The deep voice speaks again. You lift your eyes to find a man standing in front of you. His glowing green eyes are watching your every move, and if you didn't know any better, you would think he was checking you out. His facial features are very defined: sharp jawline, wonderfully shaped eyebrows, forehead not too large, nor too small and fluffy lips. His brown hair is quite a mess on his head, but it still manages to look professional.

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