2. Parties AU

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Cover by TianaStyles94 x

"Is this okay?" You asked your best friend, Harry, while you turned around to show him the outfit in your hands.

Your boyfriend invited you to a party today and you felt beyond excited. You wanted to look great tonight, and you needed some help with getting ready. Even though Harry didn't really like your current boyfriend, he still helped you to get ready. That was the kind of best friend he was. He always supported you, even if the decisions you made were stupid or reckless, Harry was always there for you. You couldn't be more grateful to have met someone like him. He was definitely a one of a kind.

When you finally found an outfit, put on same make up and curled your hair, someone rang the bell. The sound resonated through your small house and you squealed in excitement. After you kiss Harry on the cheek and he muttered for you to have a good evening, you ran out the door. Harry sighed while he ran his hands in frustration, but you were already gone to have heard the sound of disapproval. Harry hated to see you see giddy about your boyfriend. He wanted to be the one to make you happy and to go out with you and kiss you whenever he wished. But life got in the way of his dreams, and now he just had to watch how you were falling in love with someone that wasn't him.

The party was amazing. The second you stepped into the room, you could tell you were goin to have the time of your life. The DJ played your favorites the entire night and you were enjoying yourself on the dancefloor. The beer in your hand was certainly not your first one of the night, but you didn't really care. The alcohol left an electric buzz through your body and you loved it.


Slowly, you turned around at the sound of your name and saw your boyfriend smiling at you. He looked so handsome tonight.

"Y/N, dance with me, babe?" He asked while placing his hands on your hips. Automatically you pressed your body against his and a smirk formed onto his face. You wanted to run your hands through his hair and then down his chest. You wanted to kiss him as long as the night lasted. yet your bladder had other plans.

"I'd love to! But I really need to pee first!" You shouted over the loud music. Your lips left a sweet kiss on his and then you ran to the toilet.

You emptied your bladder with a bit of a rush, because you couldn't wait to dance with your boyfriend. You washed your hands, wiped the smeared mascara under your eyes away and then left the bathroom.

Your body stumbled through the packed room and you giggled when you ran into the wall during a moment of balancy loss. Your eyes scanned the room for your boyfriend. The half-smile on your face disppeared the second you lay eyes on the man that was supposed to be eagerly waiting for your return. A shock ran through you and your eyes widened at the sight in front of you. The color drained from your face as your hands started to tremble at the sight in front of you.

Your boyfriend wasn't waiting for you to return in his arms, far from it. Instead he was laughing at something a girl said in his ear. He threw his head back and his eyes crinkled at their sides. He looked at the girl like he was going to devour her. He looked at her like he was expected to look at you.

After he looked around to check if you were in sight - and saw that you were nowhere to be seen - he grabbed the blonde by her waist and led her to the dancefloor. All you could do was look from the sidelines at the way he pulled her closer to him and alligned their centers. Bile made its way up your throat as you watched them having the time of their lives. The girl turned around and grinded against your boyfriend while he attached his mouth to her neck.

The scene got more heated by the second, yet you kept watching them as if you were compelled to watch your nightmare turn into reality. Your boyfriend was a cheater.

The thought ran through your brain, it filled your head with anger, hatred and disbelief. The alcohol was still clpuding your mind, your boyfriend marking the stranger with his lips burned your eyes, and the only thing you could think, was run.

And that's exactly what you did. You pushed your way through the crowd with your elbows, making a way to squeeze your body through. People sent you dirty glares, and you murmered silent apologies, but they didn't hear you. Nor did they see your eyes glazing over. You didn't let them see.

Once outside the cold hit you like an eighteen-wheeler and cut off your breathing. You gasped, trembled and tried to inhale. You wanted to punch yourself for disregarding Harry's warnings about the man that used to be your boyfriend. Harry had told you he got bad vibes from him, but you got mad at Harry for always assuming your boyfriends sucked. You hadn't listened to Harry and now your heart was broken as the million pieces lied on the dirty floor of the club, next to your boyfriend's feet.

Your fingers found their way to the back pocket of your jeans and before you knew what you were doing, you dialed Harry's number. He wouldn't judge you for what happened. He wouldn't say 'I told you so', because he knew you hated when people said that. He wouldn't do these things, because Harry knew you like the back of his hand. Your heart throbbed in pain.

The phone rang and rang, and an aching hole appeared in your chest with every passing second and every ring.

"Y/N?" The sound of his voice filled your ears and it sounded like a song. Your mind registered the confusion and worry that laced his voice, and you couldn't keep your sobs at bay anymore. Your tears fell down your cheek and your breathing turned shallow. "Y/N? Love, please say something. What's wrong? Are you crying?"

For just a second you thought about ending the call, because you didn't want to bother Harry with your troubles, but you realized you needed Harry. More than anything right now.

"Can..Can you c-come and g-get me?" You asked as your body shook with every sob. You knew Harry would come over in a heartbeat, but still, you were afraid of asking.

"Sure, love. Can you tell me what happened?"

"I'll t-te... In the c-car."

Harry breathed heavily on the other side of the line. He hated it that something - or someone - had hurt you and he didn't know what had happened. He hated the way his chest constricted with every whimper that left your mouth and he hated to admit to himself that he had been right all along. "I'll be there in 15 minutes, baby girl. Do you want me to talk to you or...?"

"It... it's okay. Y-you can hang up."

The line went dead and the tears made no sign of stopping soon. You didn't love your boyfriend yet. But you really liked the giy so it hurt so much to see him dancing with that girl. You just couldn't believe it. You wanted to punch him in the face for hurting you like that, but you were scared of getting back in there and seeing your ex with that woman again.

Harry's car parked a metre away from your feet. His own eyes burned with tears when he saw you sitting on the pavement, your heels beside you and your head in your palms. When you lifted your head to meet his eyes, you almost collapsed onto the ground completely. His long hair and green eyes looked like coming home and you let your body fall into his arms. Harry held you tight, saying things in your ear to calm you down. He picked you up bridal style and lay you down in the backseat so you could sleep the heartbreak off.

The engine roared to life and your best friend searched for your hand. When he finally found it, he squeezed it. Your eyes began to fell heavy caused by the alcohol still running through your system.

"You're okay now, baby girl. I'm going to take care of you. Don't worry," Harry whispered. His throat was burning at the sight of you crying. You felt so lucky in that moment. You had someone who cared about you more than himself and someone who was always there for you.

"I love you so much, Y/N."

With a small smile tugging on your lips, you fell asleep with his words repeating themselves in your head.

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