6. Good Mornings

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'Good morning, beautiful.'

'I miss you so much, my love.'

'I hope you have a lovely day -Hx'

Those were the texts you woke with. Harry had been away for almost four months, but he always made sure you woke up with his text messages. He had always been able to make you smile.

You ran a hand through your hair and got out of bed. Harry's t-shirt hugged your body and the scent of it made your heart flutter. Being away from Harry had been hard, but he always did these little things to show you, you were on his mind.

As you got ready for the day, you heard your phone ringing from the bathroom. Like an idiot you quickly ran to it and answered the call.


The person at the other side of the line chuckled and you immediately knew who it was.

"You should check your caller ID before answering your phone, love."

"Harry!" You ignored his remark.

"It's good to hear your voice again." Harry sighed and you knew he was running his hand through his hair. His short hair.

"Mmmh. Why are you calling? Is something wrong?"

"No, princess. Nothing's is wrong. I'm just making sure you're safe."

"I'm as safe as I can be," you laughed and Harry quickly joined. "I gotta go now, Harry. Don't want to be late for work."

"Oh, okay. Have a nice day, babe."

"I love you, Harry."

"I love you too, [Y/N]."

The line went dead and you went back to the bathroom to get ready.


London's weather had always been unpredictable, but you were very surprised when it started raining. You huffed and started to walk faster to your apartment. The flight of stairs that were waiting for you inside of the building, made you want to cry. Your day at work hadn't really been the best. You were exhausted and the only thing you wanted to do, was watch Friends while eating pizza.

When you stood before the door, you rummaged through your purse trying to find your keys. You suddenly heard a loud noise from the inside of your appartement. Hesitantly, you opened the door and looked for the intruder, but you were completely caught off guard by the sight in front of you.

The table was lovely dressed with candles standing in the middle. Rose petals were laying on the floor and last but not least, your favourite person in the world stood next to the table. Your eyes widened at the sight of your boyfriend and you couldn't believe what you were seeing.

"I don't get a 'welcome home' hug?" Harry asked fake sad, placing his hand over his chest in a dramatic matter.

Without thinking you dropped everything you were holding and ran into his opened arms. Harry picked you up while you put your legs around his waist.

"God, I missed you so much, baby." He kissed your hair while taking in your scent.

"What are you doing here? I thought you wouldn't come home till next month."

"I just couldn't wait."

"Thank you. Thank you so much. You just made my whole day a lot better."

Harry put you down on your feet again, but made sure you were still close to him. His breath was fanning over your face and the urge to kiss him became bigger with every second. He leaned down, his lips almost touching yours, making you crave for more. Such a tease, you thought to yourself.

"I guess I don't have to send you any 'good morning' texts anymore. Because now I can just look you in the eye and tell you how much you mean to me," he whispered and with every word he said, his lips touched yours. Without any hesitation, you pulled him down and smashed your lips onto his.

"Welcome home, Haz."

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