10. India [Personal]

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Personal imagine for @Athiesta. Thank you again for all the support, love. You're an amazing person and friend. I hope you like this :) x



It's been four months. 4 months since I've last seen her. The love of my life. And it was all my fault. I acted like an asshole and let her slip through my fingers. I lost her.

We finally had a break from tour and the other boys noticed I wasn't myself anymore. I just wanted Rosh by my side again.

A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked up. Niall walked in my room and smiled sadly. "How are you today?" He asked while walking through the room. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. God, I needed a shower...

"You really need to stop this, Harry. I hate seeing you like this."

"Well, I can't, okay! I lost her and I'm never getting her back," I snapped, tears welling up in my eyes. Niall turned around and walked towards me.

"You know, Harry, maybe you should try to fix it." He dropped something in my lap, before leaving the room.

I picked up the object and my heart broke all over again. It was a photo of Roshni and me. She was smiling so brightly, looking at our dog, and my arms were wrapped around her waist. Tear drops fell on the picture, while all the memories kept replaying in my head. I wished we could make some more.

Maybe Niall was right. Maybe I needed to start fighting again.

I had to get her back.

So here I was, at the airport in a country I've never been to before trying to figure out my next move.

Rosh was born in India and moved back here when we broke up, which made it even harder to contact her again. I never realized how beautiful India was until that moment. It was really breathtaking. Now, I just needed to find my beautiful girl.

When I arrived at her house, my legs were shaking. I had absolutely no idea if she even lived here. Hell, I didn't even know what I was going to say to her. Maybe I just needed to go back home. This was never a good idea. Roshni probably didn't even want to talk to me ever again.

I quickly turned around and walked down the small path, but someone calling my name stopped me. My head snapped back toward the sound, and I was left speechless.

There she was. Her skin looking even softer than I could remember. Her eyes were sparkling with hope and those damn lips.

"What are you doing here?" Her soft voice was like music to my ears, but I noticed her hands were shaking slightly.

"I.. Well, actually... You see-" I was at a loss for words. Stop looking so damn cute!

"You can go now, Harry. You've done enough." With those words u was snapped back into reality.

"No, I'm not leaving. Not until you come back home with me," I said while walking towards her. Roshni's eyes widened. "I miss our life together. I miss being with you. I know I acted like an asshole and hurt you. I hate myself for saying the things I said to you four months ago, but I need you, Rosh. You make me want to be a better person, just so I can treat you better. You make me laugh so damn hard and I could hear you talk all day. You are so passionate and I feel special when you look at me with a small smile playing on your lips. I just want you to be happy, even if it isn't me that makes you happy. But I need you, Roshni. I love you so much. No words can explain my love for you. "

I took a deep breath, trying to contain myself from crying. I didn't expect her to fall in my arms right away, but I was ready to fight. My heart ached for her and I needed her by my side. Selfish or not.

Rosh still hadn't said anything and I began to worry. "I love you too, Harry," a smile formed on my face, "but you really hurt me. I don't know if I can forgive you."

"I'll make it up to you. I promise."

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