Chapter One - Welcome to Pemberton

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Ooomph. I had the wind knocked out of me as a small child with wild blonde hair slammed into me. The kid looked up and grinned, revealing an empty space where one of his front teeth was supposed to be. "Fox!" Came the stern call. He turned back to look at a middle aged woman before looking back at me.

"Sorry!" He beamed, running off towards her.

He looked like a mini lawyer with his black pants, white shirt and black tie. Who the heck would dress a little kid like that anyway?

Either way, his mother's choice of attire for him was the least of my concerns, considering how damn lost I was. The school only had 6 floors of classrooms, and given they had such an efficient numbering system, it should've been easy to find my class.

5A. That would suggest it was the first room on the fifth floor, but I'd been circling the floor for about fifteen minutes, and I was sure that the empty room labelled 'A' on the front was not my class.

The second bell sounded, and I was officially late for my first day.

"Are you the new student?" A girl asked, hurrying towards me.

"Yes?" I replied. Was I the only new student or something? Or was it the fact that I was wondering around in the hallways way after the bell that gave it away.

She nudged her black thick framed glasses up a little and pulled her wavy fringe back behind her ear before unfolding a piece of paper.

"I'm Bonnie by the way," she said as her eyes darted up and down the page.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Daisy," I replied, trying to seem as friendly as possible.

"I have some classes with you, so I'm going to help you find your way around the school."

"Ok cool."

"Can I see your timetable?" She asked, tilting her piece of paper towards me so I could see hers.

As it turned out, we had every single class together.

"So I know our class is 5A, aren't we on the fifth level? And isn't this room A?" I asked, gesturing towards the empty room.

"Yeah. That's the trick," she laughed. "I can't believe Principal Spooner didn't tell you. Basically, the main classroom block – this thing we're in – has six floors. It's numbered G, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. So you've been searching on the fourth floor."


"Yeah, that's how we find most new students who go AWOL."

Seeing as how we were already ten minutes late for our first class, she obviously didn't have any intention of hurrying because we maintained a casual pace towards the end of the hallway where the stairs were situated.

"What school did you go to before?" She asked, leading the way up the stairs.

"Um Carlson High," I replied.

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