29. Crazy Popularity/Fan Service/Kyoga Is Screwed

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Well I noticed that the ridiculous factor of this book was fading, so I saved up my stupidity to make up this chapter/episode/whatever.

-A Week Later-

So woke up "fabulously" (harhar~) and yawned like your DREAM HUSBANDO until Kei FUCKING screamed. Ugh, oh well, I won't bother doing a backspace.

So: "Damn it, what's the screaming for?"

Kei: "Look at these FUCKING views!!!"

So took a look, and damn, over a million.

So: "Unfuckingbelievable."

Kei looked at the comments, they say stuff like "Minami is bae!!" And "Auto-tune sucks." Blah blah blah, So took them all seriously and was clenching a fist, but since he's a nice guy he let out his steam peacefully while walking away. He switched on the tv, and they're all over the news.

So: "What the fuck is this?"

Suddenly, his phone rang and it was Ken.

Ken: "Dude, you guys are taking the news by storm."

So: "I know."

Ken: "And are people stalking Shun? It's on the news too."

So: "WHAT?!"

So looked at tv and it was Shun walking around in Kyoga. WAIT a second, KYOGA?! Oh well, still won't backspace. A scream was later heard as someone was banging the door.


So ran to the door and opened the door. Shun quickly went in and kicked the door to close off incoming fangirls.


???: "SO BEST GRILL!!"


Shun jammed the door lock so it won't open, though it means that they can't go through the front door anymore (obviously) so they're stranded inside the fucking house.

So: "Now what do we FUCKING do?!"

Shun: "I don't know..."

Minami: "What's going on?"

So: "Stop popping out of nowhere."

Shun: "We have fan problems."

Minami: "Oh no."

Minami runs back to his room and locks the door. Only So, Shun and Kei remained (the others are sleeping, so... They don't know...) in the living room. So... that's it actually... Wait a second... oh no... Taiki's not in thw house, he's outside the house...

-A Few Hours Later-

So decided to peek at the window, and the things he sees are horrifying.

So: "Oh no..."

It turns out that after a few hours, the fans were loosing their sanity to the point where only a FALILV member will get their attention. So immediately closed the curtains (ALL OF THEM) and started warning everyone with his yelling (only to find out that everyone has fallen asleep. Yes, even Shun and Kei). He then went to his room only to notice something was wrong. He checked the rooms and he found out what's wrong. The damn dumbass- I mean Taiki is nowhere to be found (should have warned him... oh well, no backspace) and now So is getting worried that things are getting worse (since you know... Taiki's Crazy... and he might beat up the fans even though they're innocent... except for those daydreaming fangirls WHO AREN'T INNOCENT ANYMORE! IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! no backspace). So now I think that it's time to- wait a minute, Taiki's here, I might just let him break in through the window.

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