Anime-Love! (Jeremy X Reader)

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( 1/ 7/ 17)
A/N: So this chapter turns a bit.. dark .. at the end.. I don't want to spoil anything! But yeah just warning you, kind of...

(Grammar mistakes/any other mistakes corrected and edited by LOLSomeoneActually)

(You should watch the video on top so swipe left on le photo :3 video is NOT by me!)

(Photo cover for this chapter is created by me)

You where at your job waiting for Jeremy, it was currently 11:30. As you patiently waited for your partner, you heard a door bust then a long loud fanboy screech. Well guess what? (Chicken butt?) It was your crush, or senpai, Jeremy! He ran towards the office hugging a few papers tightly around his chest. His question mark was turned into 3 exclamation points. He was grinning like a crazy person, now running towards you. You were going to ask him why he was so happy until..

"Hey Y/N! G-guess what just came in the mail t-today!?" He asked you with his brown soft hair messily all over the place . "Cute" you thought.

"I don't know, what?" You asked, curiosity filling your brain. 

"The anime-con 2017 m-magazine is here!" He said jumping in the air with his magazine

"That's so cool Jeremy!" You exclaimed happily. You also enjoyed anime, you found it pretty interesting, but Jeremy seemed to like it waaaay more than you do, he was considered an 'Otaku'.

"And n-not only that, but this years Anime-con will be where we l-live! And it's tomorrow!" He said now spinning around in his spinning chair, squealing like crazy.

You were happy that Jeremy was happy, he was just so cute! I mean from his fluffy brown hair, to the way his expressions change from a question mark, to an explanation point, and the way he stutters.. he was just absolutely adorable! (Stop staring Y/N, you may get caught ;) )

"Thats great Jerbear! Are you going to go this year?" You asked the brown headed boy

"Y-yeah! I already have m-my costume ready t-too!" He said going closer too you, blushing slightly at the nickname you gave him, he always blushed when you called him that.

"What's your costume going to be?" You asked

His expression then turned into a question mark and his grin disappeared into a small frown.

"U-um, w-well, y-you see, I'm g-going to b-be.. S-sailor M-moon" he said turning away blushing like crazy from embarrassment.

"That's so cool!" You said hugging him, feeling bad that he was embarrassed.

His expression turned into a explanation point, as his jaw was wide open. He sighed in relieve and blushed from how close you two where. You both stood there in silent, enjoying the peaceful sound of nothing. He was about to tell you something else until you heard the bell ring, indicating that you and Jeremy's shift has begun.

"I'll check the vents while you check the cameras, okay?" You told him calmly

"Y-yes Y/N-Chan!" He said then quickly started to check the cameras, and winding up the music box.

You smiled and started checking the vents with your flash light. Usually there would be the other guys helping you out (Scott, Vincent, Fritz and Mike) but they got a day off, which wasn't so bad because it was only Night 1 of week 3. Which means that the toy animatronics would be easier than any other night. But the good thing was that, you and Jeremy get to have the day off tomorrow!

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