Chapter 30: A Story and a Last Request

Start from the beginning

Zephina then stood up and looked amongst everyone "you certainly travel with a big group Tema. And a few of them I know very well"

"And a couple of them are your new family" said Tema with a cheeky smile

"Oh" Zephina looked quite surprised "I knew about Aurora from hearing your voice but who else?" Yumi then ran forward

"That's me and Viola" said Yumi "I'm Yumi, Miss Zephina"

"Yumi...try that again" said Tema "if you're my sister, then what does that make Zephina to you"

"oh...right" Yumi then blushed a bright red "ummm...Mom, he-he"

Zephina looked at Yumi "aren't you a pretty thing? With such a gifted body" Yumi looked quite embarrassed "I have to thank for looking after my son all this time" Yumi put her arm around Tema and brought him close

"He certainly has been a handful" said Yumi "he certainly not one to sit back and watch"

"he gets that impulsiveness from his father I'm afraid" said Zephina "Once he has his mind on an idea he'll follow it through"

"umm...Yumi?" said Tema " you mind giving me my sight back?" Yumi had pulled Tema almost into her chest "I kind breath but I can't see"

"Oh sorry" said Yumi letting him go " come you're not red-faced?"

"Because you do it purpose" said Tema annoyed "plus your my sister, why would I be embarrassed of you?"

"Ohhhh...look at you being all grown up and mature" Yumi then gave Tema a friendly nuggy to which Zephina laughed.

As Yumi stopped Zephina "so...Tema? You said a couple of them right? So which would be the other one" Tema gestured to Viola

"That would Viola Mother" said Tema in a friendly motion

"oh...Viola?" Zephina looked quite surprised "I didn't think you'd would be part of the family" Viola looked oddly a little shy, which brought some amusement to Tema and Yumi

"It's...nice to see you again. Umm...Miss...Cirrus"

"It's strange being called by that name. And I'm glad to know you kept your promise after all these years. I didn't think you'd become my daughter though"

"neither did I...Miss Cirrus"

Tema then made a tutting sound "now, now Viola. That's not how you should address her"

"yeah Viola" said Yumi "you know what to call her. I mean I did it, so I'm waiting for you" Viola actually blushed

"well...ummm...I don't think...ummm" Yumi and Tema crossed their arms and spoke in unison

"come on Viola. Say it, say it!" Viola just went bright red and

"M...M...Mother!" said Viola to which Yumi and Tema cheered

"hurray! She said this" little laughs went round the whole group.

Zephina looked most happy "I never imagined I would have four children before the end of lifetime. So let's see who else we have?" she stepped to Rafiel "Oh Rafiel...a surprise to see you" Rafiel gave a good bow

"It's such an honour to have once met you again" said Rafiel "I would never have thought I'd get another chance to meet you" Rafiel then gestured to Kairi who ran up to him "I'd like to introduce my mistress...Kairi" Kairi gave a polite curtsey

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