Chapter 4: The Tournament Begins

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It was a new day in the country that is Ventus City. Many people just got on with their lives as normal but for one person he was waiting. Tema was waiting in-front of a sort-of business tent with the curtain drawn on. Then the curtain opened to show Aurora "oh you're done?" Tema said looking at her "so how do you like it?" Aurora's outfit was slightly altered in colour and shape.

 It was still a single piece of clothing but was short-sleeved at her arms. The torso area was blue, mimicking a t-shirt, while the bottom half remained grey but it was now black at her feet "so is it any good?" asked Tema

"Yes it is" said Aurora looking at herself "thank you" Tema paid the merchant and the two got on their way "so Master, are you feeling any better?"

"I am now thank you" said Tema with a smile "and it seems you're feeling better too" Aurora smiled "it's quite odd though listening to you speaking without difficulty" Aurora looked at him "no not bad just...weird" she rubbed his head smiling "alright, alright cut it out" Aurora chuckled

"Sorry. Come on let's go to the school" Tema was a bit nervous "it'll be alright, you'll see"

It was close to school time with all the students ready and waiting. Jo was watching the door to which Blaze noticed "are you waiting for him?" asked Blaze

"Yeah" said Jo "I haven't seen him since his whole hero escapade" then the two emerged "Tema, Aurora" Jo came down the stairs "you're both okay" she said with a smile "have you had any trouble?"

"Well...we haven't had anyone knocking on the door calling us fugitives...yet" joked Tema which astonished some of the others

"You're...Jo right?" asked Aurora to which Jo nodded "oh I need to thank you" Aurora grabbed Jo's hand and shook it "you helped distract those guys and help me sa...ahem assist my master" the reaction to Aurora's normal speech pattern surprised everyone

"'re speaking...normally?" replied Jo in shock

"now whose the one speaking in pauses" said Tema jokingly.

Lea was now interested as she wheeled herself "What happened to you two yesterday?"

"Yeah" said Seje joining her "did you two have shots or something? Because I wanna know." Tema and Aurora looked between each other and chuckled

"'s rather...secret" said Tema nervously

"Really? Well if it's private I won't pry both look a lot better" said Seje "oh well all the better for it"

"I'm curious though" said Lea with her hand under her chin "Did you manage to heal some of her bio-regression?"

"Yes...I guess so" said Tema "I don't know how really but...she's a lot better now"

"She does appear to be a lot more...confident" said Lea "but something still" Lea looked up at Aurora "now that your better do you think you could answer a question? What type of sentinel are you?"

Aurora folded her arms and appeared deep in thought. Everyone else was waiting when "I...have no idea" Jo, Lea and Seje looked disappointed

"what do you mean you don't know?" said Henry who got into the conversation "I'd assume knowing who you are is kind off...I don't basic info"

"the annoying one has got a point" said Blaze from his place making Henry pout "I call them like I see them. But knowing what we're capable basic as he said"

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