Chapter 21: Honest Goal, Conflicting Drive

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It was the middle of the night in Aqua City. While the whole town was sleeping, five were still awake. Three of those were Tema, Aurora and Eve. They were awoken by two intruders, as the three crept downstairs they found the two intruders go through the fireplace...and disappeared into the dark. As Aurora went inside, she too faded into silence. Eve then went in, and found a sharp slope descending into the dark. Eve went first with Tema shortly behind.

Tema slid down the very smooth slope, down into the seemingly bottomless pit of darkness. Tema however wasn't scared...but bored as he had been sliding for a considerable time "I know I might be falling to my death...but could it come a little faster? I stopped shouting ten minutes ago" just then he felt the ground leave him as he began to fall "hurray..." he then saw light, and found himself falling through a tall stone cavern " where was I...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

What Tema didn't see was, at an angle, a spherical blue oval orb below him. Tema landed on the, strangle, spongy orb which bounced him through the air. Tema felt flying through the air "whooaaaa...." Tema then suddenly felt himself stop "what the?" Tema looked up "oh...hey Eve" Eve had a smile

"What would you do if I wasn't here?"  Tema looked round and saw the floor was green, and Eve's feet pressed into it

"Land on the soft rubber floor" Eve then dropped him "owww..."

"I thought you said it was soft"  said Eve sarcastically

"Sorry, it's the boredom talking. I mean, what would you have said?" Eve then sighed

"Probably the same thing you just said. Come on, I'll help you up" Eve extended her hand

"Thanks for that"

Tema then looked round "I'd like to know where the heck we are"

"Haven't got a clue" said Eve "that ride lasted ages. We must be at the bottom most part of the country"

"And the second question...where's Aurora?" Eve looked round

"I don't know. I guess she landed somewhere else. And from looks of that, she would've landed on a soft floor too"

"I hope so" said Tema rather relaxed

"shouldn't you be more worried?"

"if that ride didn't last half-hour than yes. When you're screaming because you're afraid of certain death for so just kind of...zing out" Eve sighed herself "well, we can't go back. Let's move forward"

The corridor was made of polished stone, with luminescent blue lights on the walls illuminated the otherwise dark corridor. The floor was made of softish rubber cushioning their feet. Tema looked round "to say we're at the core of Aqua city...where's the water?"

"I was about to ask that myself" said Eve looking round before then stopping "wait...someone's here"

"There is...where?" Eve pointed to a figure leaning on the floor

"Well...he or she is kind of small" Eve then cautiously walked forward

"Hello...who's there?" the figure stopped

"that voice..." the figure turned round...revealing it to be a boy

The boy was of around fourteen and reminded Tema of a dressed-up scientist.  The boy was quite short with black spiky hair. He appeared to be wearing a white lab coat, over a blue t-shirt and black pants. He was wearing blue boots, blue fingerless gloves, and oddly fancy goggles over his forehead. Unlike his lab coat, which appeared clean, the shirt and pants were rather shabby looking with several holes and dirt marks on them.

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