Chapter 6: The Fragile Youth

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 It was the next morning of Aqua city. The sun was rising over the ocean, as it's light glinted its gentle glow. However the sun was not alone as vast clouds began appearing over the surface. The next match of the sentinel competition was almost upon the city and soon to start within an hour. Tema was still asleep in a bed at the inn of aqua city but soon began to stir. Tema found himself in a rather large and plain room. The room had a double bed, wardrobe and a chest of drawers.

Tema sat up and rubbed his eyes "ahhh...." He let off a loud yawn and stretched "where am I?" then the door opened to the room

"Master...Master are you up yet?" Aurora stepped into the room "Oh you're up" she sat next to him looking relieved "thank goodness"

"oh hey Aurora" Tema stretched again "where am I?"

"You're at the inn. After me and Alana sorted out your clothes, I brought you here"

"My clothes?" Tema pushed away the bed-sheets and looked at his attire.

Tema was wearing a grey, long-sleeved t-shirt with red X and black jogging bottoms. Tema looked at his clothes "oh yeah...I remember that electric girl shot me...and burnt through my clothes" Tema then looked at Aurora "are you okay?" Aurora smiled and rubbed his brown hair 

"I am now...thanks to you" Tema enjoyed the rubbing

"Oh yeah. Aurora can you...shoot lightning?" asked Tema curiously "I overheard something like lightning from your direction before I was fully KO'ed"

"I can now...look" Aurora flexed her hand and produced what looked like electricity "see?" Tema was leaning forward in amazement

"That's amazing Aurora" said Tema " though? I only thought that element sentinels could have this power"

"Yeah...I wish I knew more about who I am" said Aurora a little sadly

"Don't worry" said Tema "we'll get your memory back" Aurora smiled

"Well come on then. We'd better get you some breakfast. The first round of the competition starts in half-an-hour" Tema nodded and with that the two left the room.

A little time later as clouds began to cover the sky Tema and Aurora were arriving in-front what should've been the gates to the mansion of Alana but something strange. Instead of  the iron bars of the gate there was almost a wall of fluid which slightly moved and warped in the gentle breeze.

In-front of this, liquid wall,  were four guards and one male official dressed in black. As Tema and Aurora approached "are you two contestants for the first round of the competition?" Tema and Aurora nodded "then please allow me to scan your sentinels band" Aurora held still as the official waved a datapad over her band. The official looked at the info "yep you're a contestant. Please proceed through the Aqua-form over there" he said pointing to the liquid like wall. Tema gingerly went to the wall...and pressed a finger through the wall which warped around his touch.

Aurora can see his uneasiness at the liquid like wall and pressed a hand on his shoulder "it's alright Master" Aurora gestured a hand towards him "we'll go in together okay?" Tema reached for her hand and Aurora gently grabbed it. Tema took a deep breath and with Aurora walked into and through the wall...vanishing from sight.

In the next moment Tema saw the mansion in the background vanish...and replaced by an environment illuminated by spotlights accompanied by the roaring of a loud crowd. Tema saw he was in a large oval shaped room of some kind buzzing with loud noises. In the centre of the room was a large silver padded floor which was the arena of the contest. At the sides of the arena were tall stands with the populace of Aqua city populating the stands.

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