Chapter 8

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Angel's POV

I lunged at Edward and tackled him to the ground. It hurt like hell because of my ribs but I didn't care. Just as I was getting ready to punch that smug look off the bastard's face, Jasper pulled me off his brother.

"I want to beat his ass too but your gonna hurt yourself. Your ribs are shattered. I don't want you to make them worse," Jasper whispered in my ear. I huffed out a "fine" but when I turned around to threaten Edward, I saw that Emmett had replace me and was about to crush his windpipe. I wiggled my way out of Jasper's grip to stop Em. I went over and, rather than calm him down, I decided to make him laugh.

"If you kill him now, I can't beat the shit out of him when I'm better. Don't you wanna see that. Just imagine him getting his ass handed to him by little ole me," I said trying to sound as innocent as possible.

Em burst out laughing and soon fell off Edward, onto the floor, dying. I took this as my chance to threaten Edward. I can hold a grudge forever and I don't forget these types of things. He better watch his back.

I walk back over to a very amused Jasper. He just hugs me while the others look extremely confused. They must not know why it's so funny to us. The thing is I can very easily beat his ass. Hell, I could kill him without leaving any evidence and nobody would ever know that he was dead. He would just take a trip and never return. Jay and Em know that Charlie had me take self defense classes as a kid so they know I can and will follow through with my threats.

Once Em sobers up, we all make or way back to the family room. Alice sat on Rosalie's lap on the love seat. Carlisle and Esme sat together on one end of the couch with Edward on the other side. Em, Jay, and I cuddled up on another couch. Conversation usually flowed easily but the tension from before still hung heavy in the air. Edward managed to keep his comments to himself, but Carlisle tried to get me to share my story. I said that I would in time but I never planned on doing that. Ever.

Almost immediately Edward called me on my bullshit. He had whispered it under his breath but I still heard his bitch ass. If I wasn't so comfortable here with Em and Jay, I would knock him out so quick he wouldn't even know I hit him.

As the night went on, couples left to do their own thing. Edward had left after his comment. We kept talking all night, none of us even thinking about sleep. We had only noticed when the sun began to rise behind the clouds and shine ever so slightly through the tree line. We all  begrudgingly went to get ready for school, or work in Carlisle's case. We separated into the Volvo and Jeep and headed to school. Another day in my own personal hell. This should be fun.

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