Part 13

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Author's note:

I know I haven't updated in a little over a month, and I can't imagine how frustrated you guys must be with me. And I'm sorry for being a bad writer and taking forever. I have an F in a class that I need to pass in order to graduate(I'm a senior) So I've been stressing out. Plus I've been in the hospital 3 times this month and I just haven't had the time to actually sit down and write for you. It's been killing me, not being able to write. But I'm here now and I will try my hardest to update more so you don't become bored with me and stop reading this story. Anyways, enjoy! And for those of you who have waited patiently and are still with me I tip my hat to you(:


Chapter 13:

I glanced out the window as the plane flew through the air. Although I couldn’t see anything I was reminded of the first time I met Rose. She too looked out the window and ignored what the person next to her was trying to say.

I wasn’t ignoring Alberta parse but I was trying my best to keep things blunt and to the point. I had a lot of things on my mind and I just wanted time to think. Alberta must have guessed this halfway through our conversation because she stopped talking and resorted to leaning her head back and closing her eyes.

I sighed out of relief and returned back to the blackened window. My heart still ached at the disappointment I had caused Rose. It was like her face was sketched on the inside of my eyelids. So whenever I blinked I’d see that memory and I would cringe a little.

I never thought I’d feel this much pain before. And I never realized I cared about someone’s respect and honor for me as much as I did now; especially when it involved Rose. To see her face fall like that was like her saying she didn’t love me. Which I hoped too, would never come out of her mouth.

I sighed again and placed my hand under my chin, my eyes awake and alert, despite my shortened sleep last night. When I was about to lean back I heard her voice from a row behind me and to the right.

“Adrian.” She said; her voice seemed to be full of pain and not mental either. My heart leapt at the thought because if it was I knew I wouldn’t stop blaming myself for it.

Adrian kept talking, although I didn’t know what about. I was more focused on the way Rose said his name.

“Adrian.” She repeated, only this time with more force and much more pain. My heart gave another leap at the sound. And it had something to do with the fact that she was in pain this time.

I leaned forward a little, trying to catch what Adrian was saying. It could have been offensive for all I knew. My fingers thrummed softly on my legs as I tried to look like I wasn’t eavesdropping.

“And then a slit up the side to show off what great legs you have. It could go nearly to the hip and have this cute little bow---“

My fingers clinched so tight my knuckles turned white. And that was saying something considering my naturally tanned skin. I tried to keep my posture composed; I didn’t need Alberta thinking something was off by the way I was reacting to Adrian’s words. Considering everyone knew Moroi guys hit on dhampir girls all the time, and normally we never thought about it much at school. But this wasn’t any other dhampir. It was my dhampir girl being hit on.

Adrian!” Adrian stopped in mid-sentence as Rose’s voice rose to a scream. It was loud enough for the pilot to hear I’m sure. We all jumped, and I tried to hide a smile playing at my lips from the look on Adrian’s face. “Will you shut the hell up for five seconds?”

Dimitri's Point of View in Shadow Kiss (Vampire Academy) (Book 3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang