I nod my head before he's gone, the wind from his speed whipping my hair off my neck. I take a deep breath as I look off where he ran, wondering what he could be up to. I figured it had something to do with his personal project, but I wasn't going to ask questions. I turn and look back where Caitlin was, narrowing my eyes.

I wanted to ask her a few things.


9 years ago

I sigh as I walk into Big Belly Burger, hearing my stomach growl as I did so. It's been awhile since I've been to this place...actually, the last time I was here was with my parents. It was our favorite place to eat at. My mother's favorite actually, since she always brought it home after work. There would be some days where she'd come home late because she liked to stay there and work on a few things before leaving. I guess it was her calm place, which made no sense, but that was just something she always loved.

I tug the beanie on my head down a little to cover my forehead slightly as I pause, letting my eyes scan everything. Jay taught me to always take in my surroundings just in case something were to happen, and having a mental picture of what your environment looked like was a big help. I especially needed to assess it, since I'm not as strong and as fast as I once was. Besides, there was that slim possibility that someone would recognize me, which would me near impossible, but I couldn't take any chances.

It was nice to be out among the public again. Granted, I disliked everyone in this damn city besides Jay and somewhat of Dust Storm, but it was oddly nice to pretend that I was normal; that I was just a 16 year old girl coming to get some fast food for dinner.

When I first walked in, the first thing I noticed was that there were only about ten people inside. Two were a couple eating ice-cream cones, three were girls chowing down on burgers and fries, one was sitting alone in a corner with her phone in her hand, and the four others was a family...mom, dad, and two little boys. It broke my heart seeing them, since it was something that I wished I still had.

Straight in front of me was a bar like counter; one that was up higher and another that was lower for ordering purposes. I watch a cashier step forwards as she looks at me, waiting for me to come up and order already. I make my way forwards then as I watch the three girls giggle about something, seeming to be around my age, but I didn't know them.

"What can I get for you?" the dark skinned girl asks me, appearing to be a year or so older than me, if not the same age. Her hair was up in a tight bun, secured with a few bobbie pins that were sticking out to the side. Her dark chocolate eyes watch me as I look up at the menu, not being able to decide between getting a burger or a chicken sandwich.

I hear the girls giggle again behind me, causing me to look over my shoulder and see them looking at me. I narrow my eyes before they turn back around, pretending as if they didn't just see me look at them. I wasn't sure what that was about, but I was trying my best to keep myself together.

I turn back to the girl, noticing then that her name-tag read Iris. "Just give me a cheeseburger with fries, along with a medium drink."

She taps away on her register before a number flashes up onto the little screen. "That'll be $8.24."

I reach into my pocket then, pulling out a twenty that Jay had given me awhile back. Usually I didn't need money to buy stuff, since I stole it most of the time, but this time, I felt like being semi-normal and pay for something. It sure was strange.

Iris hands me back my change before telling me that it will be ready soon. She heads to the kitchen in the back as I turn around to sit, finding the girls looking over at me once again. 

Ignore it, Raven...

My eyes catch a small table over in the corner then, deciding to sit there. I take my seat as I pull out my phone, which I rarely ever used. I mostly just watched TV when I was back home, but when I did get on my phone, I was playing some game like Cookie Crush or Tomb Run. I wasn't a big fan of games, but they were better than sitting here looking like a loner.

As I zone out of everything around me, swiping over to make a match on Cookie Crush, I hear one of the girls say something, and I knew it was about me. 

"...Who even is she? I've never seen her around; must be one of those homeless freaks based off of what she's wearing."

I look down at myself, not really sure what she was talking about. I mean, I never was a fashionista when it came to style, since most of the time I was wearing the costume Jay had given me. I usually didn't care less about what I wore the other times. 

However, after I look up and across my table at the girls, some type of rage flows through me. My eyes catch a girl's drink then as I focus on it, lowering my head as I did so. The lid on the cup goes flying off before the cup is dumping all over the girl who said that about me, causing her to screech and jump out of her seat.

"You've got to be kidding me!" she screams as she looks down at herself, her other two friends laughing slightly at her. "My mom is going to kill me. She just gave me this top for Christmas!"

A small smile cracks across my lips then as I lower my head back down to my phone, somewhat satisfied of what I had done. However, the girl must have noticed it, because soon she's shouting my way. "You think this is funny?"

I look back up at her, finding her eyes on me. "Do you want me to answer that?"

Her bottom lip puffs out from anger, making me want to laugh, but I hold myself together. Her other two friends shoot me a glare, but I was used to glares by now. Instead of shooting them a glare back, I focus on the bottle of ketchup sitting there, watching it as it squirts out and onto the red head.

She screams then as well, the ketchup for sure staining her white top. I drop my jaw, pretending to be shocked that that happened. The look on her face almost made me laugh, only because I could see the panic in her eyes on who or what did that, along with the anger of her shirt being ruined too.

"Ugh!" the girl with the soda on her stomps as she leaves, throwing the door open to where it slams into the wall. The other two girls follow after her as well, sending me dark looks before disappearing. I smile to myself as I go back down to my phone, back to my game. 

I really need to go out more.

"Excuse me?"

I look up from my phone, finding the lady that was on her phone earlier standing in front of me. I press the top button on my phone as I shove it into my pocket, preparing myself in case I needed to run. The look on her face gave me an unsettling look.

"Yes?" I choke out while clearing my throat. 

She cocks her head as she stares down at me, something about her seeming so familiar. I couldn't figure out what it was. "I'm sorry but...you look really familiar."

My stomach clenches up then, knowing where this conversation was going. I press one of my hands on the table as I stand, nerves starting to take over. She knew who I was; she knew I was Silver Trickster.

"I'm sorry, I have to go," I breathe as I walk around her, praying that she wouldn't follow after me. As I go to push the door open however, she says something that took me off guard.


I turn around slowly, only a few people knowing my real name. Furthermore, there was only one person who said it the same way that woman did. As I turn around and face her, I take in her facial features again and put the pieces together, it taking my breath away.



AHHH WHAT? Raven's mom is alive? Hmm...

I legit got this idea in the shower a few moments ago, so go me. I can't wait to let this plot line unfold...it should be interesting muhaha

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