“No!” I screamed out. “Why? You know I hate scary movies!”

Brianne narrowed her eyes and her “evil-plan-look” slowly walked across her face. “My point exactly,”

I already knew what she was up to…again.

“Brianne, I hate you.” I replied simply.

She giggled. “And, that’s why I love you, dear.”

We arrived to her house, walking up the long, brick driveway. My heart began to accelerate faster and faster every second we got closer to the front door. What if he thinks totally different of me? What if the kiss wasn’t meant to happen? What if I’d been imagining this entire time?

She opened the front door and we walked into the same, large living room. The guys were nowhere to be found.

“Where are they?” I asked, curious.

“Maybe they’re in the backyard. I set up the fire pit so we can roast marshmallows tonight.” She beamed a smile. “This get-together should be fun.”

I nodded my head as I tried to peer into the far-away blinds that showed out back. There was visible moving and the fire in the backyard. Edwin was probably back there, too. Ugh, my stupid heart wouldn’t stop hastening!

The sun was nearly set now and it seemed like the perfect scene to roast marshmallows outside. The fire appeared low and blazing; nice. The twilight sky was a passionate purple with a small hint of luminescent light still hanging on at the horizon.

 I took a few deep breaths before heading out back, and then finally turned the knob.

There, appearing to be bored, sat Edwin with his arm supporting his chin up and his mouth holding air, swooshing it around. Right when I opened the door, his head snapped up.

“Whoa,” He whispered to himself, straightening his posture. His eyes opened wide and his lips parted just a bit. If I would’ve known better, I would say that he began to fantasize while he gazed over my entire outfit causing my stomach to explode into butterflies. A bright blue t-shirt clung onto this body and he donned dark jeans-how handsome.

I smiled and greeted both, Edwin and Landon. “Hey guys!”

Landon welcomed me with a small wave.

After a few seconds, Edwin finally snapped out of his day-dream and returned to himself by shaking his head.

“H-hello, Beautiful.” He alleged, smirking.

Brianne walked outside with two large bowls, one of marshmallows and the other with packaged chocolate and a box of gram crackers. Yum, s’mores, I thought to myself, licking and biting my bottom lip. She sat beside Landon and an empty seat which was beside Edwin.

Why in the world did she place the seats so closely together?

Just realizing it, I'd have to cross between Edwin and the scorching fire pit to get to the available seat beside him. Gosh, this is going to be tricky, I thought to myself.

As I attempted to stroll to that seat and slowly try to get pass the fire pit and Edwin without getting burned, I felt Edwin's resilient arms wrap around my waist and pull me down onto his lap. Even though his grip was really tough, I felt warm and protected.

Is that wrong to say?

I screamed in surprise. “Edwin, let me go!” I uttered giggling at the way his hands contacted with my ticklish gut.

“No way,” He replied trying to catch my eyes. His were luminescent in the fire’s blaze.

I rolled mine and attempted to get up, but his arms imposed, locking me there.

The Way I Feel About YouWhere stories live. Discover now