Who is Barry Smythe Allen?

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"I knew it!" she exclaimed "I told you, I never forget a face. I told you it was Sebastian."

"What are you doing here Sebastian?" Artie demanded. "And what's with the whole Barry Allen get up."

"I don't need to explain myself to you."

"Then explain it to me." Felicity said with a fierce look on her face. "What is going on Barry, Sebastian, whoever you are?"

"This is going to be good." Clark said grabbing a chair from the other table and parking himself on the side of the table watching the whole thing. I gave him a good natured glare and he just shrugged it off. "I knew you for more than a decade, Bear, I am immune to your glares."

"It was worth a shot." I shrugged.

"Barry." Felicity warned.

"Fine!" I said raising my hands up. "I am Barry Allen."

"That's bull."

"You didn't let me finish." I said. "Felicity, first of all before I say anything. These guys. We were never friends."

"Ain't that the truth." Mercedes said.

"Okay." Felicity said. "Then how do you know each other."

"I used to go to an all boy's prep school. And we were from rival show choirs."

"Wait you used to be in a show choir?" Felicity asked. "How did I not know this?"

"You never asked." I said. "Besides, it wasn't that important."

"Don't sell yourself short, Barry." Clark scolded. "You were great, you were our lead. And..."

"I think she gets it." I said cutting him off. "Alright, so I was one of the leads in a well known High School Show Choir. Happy?"

"Very." Clark said "Continue."

"Anyways, I didn't lie about who I was to you, Felicity." I said looking at her then looking at the New Directions. "You guys however, didn't have a right or a reason to know who I am or how I truly act."

"Well, we would've appreciated the notice." Mercedes said. "So what you're saying is you forged documents to go to Dalton?"

"Again with the jumping to conclusions." I complained. "If you must know, my full name is Bartholomew..."

"God, good thing you changed your name to Sebastian." Artie commented then after a look not only from me but also from Rachel and Mercedes. "Sorry."

"That is why I like to be called Barry." I said. "Bartholomew Henry Smythe Allen"

"Wait so you didn't change your name."

"I did." I said. "Legally."

"How could you change your name without a purpose?"

"How is almost getting beat to a pulp and death threats as a purpose?" I asked silencing them. "Is that purpose enough for you?"

"Who the hell would want to kill a teenage boy?" Felicity asked.

"A few neanderthalical bullies that thought anyone who thinks that someone who wants to help others is a gay thing to do and needs to die painfully." I said emotionlessly.

"Wait, I thought you were..."

"I am not." I said. "Sebastian is."

"What, now you're not making sense." Rachel said.

"You know Auntie Snixx correct?"

"Santana, of course we do." Artie asked

"No, Auntie Snixx." I corrected. "Sebastian is my Snixx."

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