Chapter 1: The Subway

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You visited Unova to take on the Battle Subway. You always wanted to take on the Battle Subway and its bosses; Ingo and Emmet.  Those say it is nearly impossible to reach them since the battle subway was tough, but that is exactly what you need; tough opponents!

And that's what you are doing right now, what you have been doing for the past hour or so. You were so close to getting to the bosses. It was pretty easy, since you didn't have to wait to battle them because no was one there. Speaking of nobody, where is everybody?

You walked around the Battle Subway. There is nobody here, except the employees. They would ask you how you were doing, and would you like a break? You would tell them you were great and politely decline their offer. You were currently the only challenger in the subway. You would always ponder as to why this place wasn't packed with people. You question it but don't think much of it.

With your faithful Pokémon by your side, you were able to almost easily sweep everyone on each train cart. There were some mishaps, but nothing you couldn't beat. Your trusty Hydreigon hovered by your side as you went to the next cart.

Filled to the brim with determination, you continue on with beating the rest of the carts to get to the 7th cart, which had the Subway Bosses in them. You can't seem to conceal your excitement as you finally enter one of the Subway Master's cart. Your Hydreigon roars in excitement as the doors slide open and you take a step in.

--Meanwhile With Emmet's POV--

I looked at the time... 5:34. It was almost time to retire for the day, and just like everyday, no one arrived. I just sadly stood there, hoping, waiting, I know I can't put on fake smiles everyday. I'm not happy, in fact, I'm lonely and depressed, same as my brother. I don't remember the last time I was ever genuinely happy. It was ages ago.

With every passing moment, there is this pain in my chest that seems to grow every second. It hurts so much, I want it to go away. I talked with Ingo about this before, he said he was suffering the same thing. It didn't take long to realize that we were both vigorously lonely. We just want it to go away so badly.

"Please come.."

I would say, though the chances were very small, and it keeps getting smaller everyday. I would sit around in my cart, waiting for anyone. We wanted the company more than anything.

Those that we fought earlier never came back. We didn't know why they never came back, they just didn't.

My hopes were diminishing with every day that goes by. I really wanted to cry. I'm Emmet, I'm always so happy, not even my brother has ever saw me shed any tears. I always fight back the tears that were threateningly trying to cascade down my cheeks. I wanted to cry, but I wouldn't let that happen. I am so depressed. I take a slow, shaky breath, but I'm cut off when--



The doors came swinging open, it startled me. At the entrance of the door stood a beautiful lady. She was something I never seen before, so beautiful, and so pure. My stomach explodes into butterflies as I felt my blood rush to my cheeks. My eyes glimmered with a shine of admiration. I knew then and there that I was falling for her. At the sight of her, I could feel the pain in my chest go down by lot. I never been so happy to have felt such relief. This girl, this girl has granted me relief from my pain. I wanted her-no, I NEEDED her!

The Lonely Subway Bosses | Pokemon [Possessive!Ingo X Reader X Possessive!Emmet]Where stories live. Discover now