The Start of a New Beginning

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I never imagined my life would turn to this, with my hands soaked with a mans warm blood. Where running for my life after the crimes I produced was a daily job. Nobody knew that this would be the end of my sanity. 

Nobody expected it.


7 Months After Hazels Recapture



There I stood anxiously, my bloody knife glistened in the lowly lit alleyway. It had been over an hour since Rose had gone in with Toby. Crude thoughts flooded into my head, licking my lips I waited. A black cat passed by hitting a trash can which startled me, "Damn cats." I grumbled. Someone grabbed my arm pulling me in to a darkened room. Spinning around I saw Toby with a meek smile, he pressed one finger against my mouth silencing me. 

Toby lead me to a broken down apartment room, the smell of blood swirled around my nostrils filling my body with excitement. Pushing open the door we saw Hazel now known as Rose stabbing a mans corpse repeatedly, "I tried to pull her off  but she just won't stop." Toby winced as she rammed her knife into the poor mans skull, each drawback splashed more blood onto her black torn clothes. 

"Rose?" I moved towards her slowly. "Babe." Ignoring me she continued.  Placing my hand onto her shoulder I pulled her towards me. Her motions stopped and she looked up, her eyes were bloodshot and wide. Tears streamed down her face making a line through the blood that was splattered onto hers, she smiled slightly. "I got carried away again." Wiping away the blood she hugged me closely engulfing me with warmth, "Lets go home." Rose whispered. 



A lot can happen in 7 months, alone with killers in the middle of nowhere can really change a girl. So much blood, tears, sweat, and pain, those were within those hard, cold months. My mind became a playground for the dead and my weak soul was chewed up by the fallen. The men who I feared became the men I loved. Could you really blame me? No one came searching for me afterwards, made it all seem like I was a lost cause who had run away. No one loved me but them and now,

 I was one of them.


Hey guys so this is the end of the book, I will actually be making a second one which will tell about what happened in the 7 months plus other stuff.

 Trust me it will be so much better and hopefully a great sequel! Thank you so much for supporting this book hopefully it was good enough to make you want another. I will be starting it soon, it will be like a redo but not really. 

Love you guys for your support and if I may. I'd like to give a shoutout to someone who has always supported my books and is a great author themselves.

@BlackWolf236 Please check them out! 

Captured ( Book One)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora