Chapter 1

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~Hazel POV~

I'm going to fucken die oh my god..

Now I'm scared shitless, the creepy masked man turned off his flashlight and put us all into udder darkness. I wish I had night vision to see what those creeps were doing.

Suddenly someone picked me up bridal style. What the hell, this isn't a freakin wedding. A door opened and I was blinded by a bright light. As my eyes adjusted I could see a narrow hallway.

The walls and floor were wooden and old. As we walked out I looked around slightly to see that there were five doors.

I closed my eyes hoping to wake up at my friends house. To my disappointment I was still being held by this creep.

Why wasn't I freaking out? Screaming and kicking, maybe I was to weak to fight back. I wish I had super strength right now so I could just punch these two to the ground and run far away.

I was carried into a kitchen and placed down on a counter. Jumping down I tried to run away but to my failure I was just pulled back and placed back onto the counter. A sharp pain soon hit my right cheek. Did he just slap me?

Tears swelled up and I felt like crying, why is this happening to me. Suddenly the masked one spoke "I'm going to fix up your leg okay, so don't try running away or you'll get hit again" Slowly I nodded, and stayed put on the counter while he took scissors and started to cut into my black legging.

"Hoodie go get me water, bandages, rubbing alcohol, some string and a needle." The man named Hoodie left the kitchen and got what was requested.

Now having these materials Masky went straight to work. I winced in pain as he started to clean my wound that the hellish looking dog gave me.

It felt like hours when he was finally done stitching up my wound and putting bandages around it. Tears rolling down my face I looked down at my wound. Why are they being nice to a girl like me..

Maybe I deserve this, this punishment for all the horrible things I've done. Is this really the way Im going to go? "Helllooo anyone in that brain of yours?" Snapping out of my thoughts I was met face to face with a fictional Link looking guy but worse.

He looked so evil with these red eyes and this black goo seeping down from them, and his messy dirty blonde hair. His clothes were a little dirty with blood and dirt. I let out a scream and quickly jumped down rushing away from the scary link character. From the distance I could hear him "Get back here!! Im suppose to be watching over you not watching you escape!"

Running down the wooden hallway I quickly opened a black wooden door and locked it. Turning around I was met by the man with the messed up face. "Feel free to scream whenever you want." He whispered snickering.

Terrified I stood there unable to move, he put his hand on the door and was at my eye level. "Welcome sweetheart, to your new nightmare." All I could do was stare at his eyes, it looked like he had burnt off his eyelids and that forever lasting smile he had sent shivers down my spine.

Finally able to speak I spoke out, "Who are you? Why am I here? Did my mom send you!?" Taken aback from my outburst his face went from amusement to anger.

Grabbing me by the throat he spoke in a raspy voice. "Dont you fucken talk to me like that. My names Jeff and I wont hesitate on craving an ever lasting smile into your fuckening face." Jeff's grip tightened, in a quick instinct I kicked him in the crotch. He let go off my neck and fell in pain. "Fucken bitch." He gasped out.

As I quickly unlocked and opened the door , I collided into the Link person.

"Did you really try and hide in Jeff's room?"

He grabbed my hand and dragged me back into the room I was locked in before. Trying to break free from his inhuman grip I could see Hoodie shaking his head.

I couldn't help but start yelling, "Who the fuck are you people! Why did you take me here, let me go you fucken bastered! What kind of sick joke is this!! Let me go!!" Suddenly I was pushed into the dark room.

The door soon closed and locked from the outside, banging on the door I kept yelling.

I could hear people talking, "Did you put that bitch in her little dungeon Ben?" Someone yelled out in a stern voice. "Yes Jeff I put the "bitch" in her dungeon. God you always bring the loud ones dont you." Ben answered back in an annoyed tone.

"Can you really blame me? Its always fun to hear how loud they can scream when you cut into their skin." Jeff excitedly said, footsteps storming away.

I guess the Link characters name is Ben, the messed up face man is Jeff, then theres Hoodie. Guessing from his name the masked on is probably named Masky, god this fucken sucks.

Curling into a ball on the cold floor I soon feel asleep. "My name is Jeff, and I'm not afraid to carve an ever lasting smile into your fucking face."

My eyes shot open, terrified I started to cry. Hot tears pouring down my face, Why did this happen to me, and I thought my mom leaving was bad, this was worse.

*Thud* "Oww..."

The door swung open and hit me hard in the head. "Shit, I'm sorry." It was Ben, he was holding a water bottle and a granola bar. "Here" Realizing that I was hungry, I took the granola bar and scoffed it down.

"Damn.." Drinking the water I looked up at Ben. He seemed okay but I wasn't too sure, he looked down at me with a creepy look. "Lets make a deal."


Wanna know a secret?

I actually wrote chp 1 & 2 plus the two prologues back in 2012. :0

Crazy right?

I'm posting them now because I'd like to finish it. After all these years my style will change around the second chapter but I hope you still enjoy it and stick around. :)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Please vote and tell me what you think!


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