Chapter the First: An Exciting Opportunity

Comenzar desde el principio

"So how are you going with school?"

"Good." I shrugged. "It's school, I guess."

"You're a pretty smart kid, ya know?"

"Eh." I shrugged.

"You are."

"Not really."

"You really are. I could see you as a doctor, or something."

"I'm not that smart, Dad." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah you are!"

"I only get B's Dad."

"You shouldn't let that get to you. If you don't stop trying, you'll never get into college."


"What's up?"

He looked at me expectantly. I didn't have the heart to tell him at that point.

"Nothing, don't worry."

He smiled. "I reckon all the best colleges will be after you."

"Maybe? I don't know Dad."

"They will, my amazing baby boy."

I went bright red. "I'm not a baby anymore Dad."

"Yeah you are. You'll always be my baby boy."

I just smiled.

"You're the best kid ever."

"Not really."

"Yeah you are."

I rolled my eyes.

"I've got to head off if I'm going to get to the interview on time. Stay safe Theo. Have fun."

I nodded. "Have fun Dad, good luck!"

He smiled before waving me goodbye. He left the house and I put my bowl in the sink.

After a quick washing up of everything, I locked the front door and began the walk to school. After two streets, I stopped on my usual curb and waited for my best friend.

She ended up running up behind me and jumping onto my back.

"Argh!" I shoved her off, before laughing. "Hey Layton."

"Hey Theo! Good to see you."

"Same here." I smiled. "How was your weekend?"

"Pretty good." She beamed.

"Where'd you go?"

"I just went to the next town over. Nothing special. Dad wanted to meet up with his brother."

"And how was he?"

"He was fine. Boring as always."

Still sounded a lot more exciting than my weekends. "Oh well."

"Did you do anything interesting?"

"Just sat at home." I shrugged.

"Cool." She shrugged.

I nodded. "Did you do the history homework?"

Her eyes widened. "No..." She giggled slightly.

I laughed. "Of course. I need to look up some things on the internet for it, so I'm going to drop into the computer lab before school."

She nodded. "I'll come with you and see if I can get any done."

"Cool." I nodded as we turned into the school gates.

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