Chapter The Second: Illness

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of my parents arguing, yet again.

"He's sick, Ben!"

"Well, where are we going to get the money for a doctor, hey?!"

"We can't just leave it!"

"He needs to go to school!"

"He can't go to school when he's sick!"

"Carol, he can't miss any if he's going to college!"

"It's one day!"

"He's going!"

"No he's not."

My mother noticed me. "Hey sweetheart. Sorry for waking you."

"It's fine." I mumbled.

"He looks fine to me." Dad grumbled.

I was just silent.

Mom put her hand on my forehead. "He's not going. The school will send him home."

"No they won't!"

"He's burning up!"

"I doubt it."

Mom stuck a thermometer in my mouth.

I wanted to spit it out but I restrained myself.

"See? He's not going today." Mom put an arm around me protectively.

"He needs to go."

"He's sick!"

"It's just a fever!"

"He was coughing all night!"


Mom ruffled my hair. "I have to go to work. Back to bed with you, Theo."

I nodded before truding into my room.

As soon as I heard him leave, Dad came in and told me to get dressed.

I got up and got dressed and ready for school.

I was running late, so I skipped breakfast and met Layton at our spot.

"Hey T. Feeling better?"

"Yeah?" I answered unsurely.

"You don't sound very sure about that."

"I'm fine. Let's go Lay."

"Okay." She shrugged and we walked to school.

"So, I did a thing last night..."

"What was that?"

"Remember that video we took of the karaoke?"


"Yeah, the recording!"

I groaned.

"And do you remember that competition I was telling you about?"

"You better not have..."


I huffed, gripped onto my backpack straps and took off.

"Hey, hey, Theo, wait!" She chased after me.

"Go away!"


"Just go away Layton!"

"T, I was trying to help you."

"Well you didn't!" I shouted.

Everyone turned to stare.

I huffed again and just stormed towards class.

Who the hell did Layton think she was?! That was a direct violation of my trust!

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