Leave a Mark

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I never found out if Celadon Village was near Celadon forest or Celadon City. It seemed as though Celadon Village was just that, a village with normal citizens, a guild that protected its world and a cliff that overlooked the ocean.

Feeling the cold breeze of the night sky sneaking in, I shut the window and close the curtains. And that's all she wrote. I go over to my bed and lay under the covers. Listening to the panelling creek, the wind whistle, my heart beat, and my head rush through all my thoughts.


I stare wide-eyed at the doorknob that jerks back and forth. I throw myself under the covers and hope he thinks I'm asleep.

"I hope you're not sleeping without saying goodnight." I freeze as I realise he's onto me. He laughs, "You don't need to hide. I won't hurt you."

He remembers...

Clenching at the cover, forcing it to stay with me, I refuse to move. The bed beneath me slightly bumps up and down as he sits on it. "I was in the caves by the beach when I found you. You were unconscious but breathing fine. You're here in Celadon Village."

I pull down the covers just above my nose so I can see Patrick. As I look at his electric blue eyes, I question, "How did you..."

"You're safe, don't worry," Patrick smiles as he interrupts me, "And something tells me you know the story of how you got here, you know the two guys. Yadda yadda. Anyway, that day you were pretty smug, so I challenged you to a duel, to which you accepted. So I fought you and managed to find out you were a Ground Mage. Little did I know you'd turn out to be an Adaptation mage instead, the only one of its kind around these parts. So comes that afternoon. We joined a guild, you helped me follow my dream, and our first assessment was a dick move. However we got in, then you met my ex and her boyfriend, which transitions to our second assignment, the  kidnapping birds."

I sit up, letting the blanket fall from my nose to my legs, "Patrick, why are you telling me this?"

"Just listen. Continuing, we taught them a lesson, and you showed me your Volt Mage side. Next, we had the day off. I showed you around the village and my happy place, from which you earned the nickname cupcake. Then we both blacked out. I'll skip the next unfortunate encounter to where we both met Mesprit. I blacked out again only to feel water - it said it had a questionnaire that I had to get right to live. Question one- I regret nothing... true or false; I answered False. Q2 I have unfulfilled actions, true or false, True. Q3 I have expressed my emotions truthfully to those closest to me, true or false, false. Then the voice finally asked, what would I say if I could say one last thing to someone before I died? I answered I'd tell Eevee how much she means to me, and that... that her decision to venture with me changed my life for the better."


"I woke up and thought I was in heaven because I only saw you. However, reality ensued, and our adventures continued. But of course, I couldn't tell you what I experienced because... Anyway, next we had that dance, and my Arceus, you could've been a queen in that dress. I could have told you then and there how I felt, but I didn't know how you felt, so I held it back and just before I made a move, that stupid chandler broke next to us. Thus my first solo assignment began, and I just happened to find you half dead. I was so scared that you'd go without me confessing, and I felt like such an arse because I tried to make a move on you without saying a word or anything. But I defeated him, and you came back, and I had another chance, but Tricky just had to be the innocent she was and ruin the moment. The next day rolls around, and that fight with Yveltal began, and again I 'died', I swear we both love dying on each other. It turns out you saved the day, and I was brought back. We got home that afternoon, and I finally realised I had to tell you, whether you liked me back or not, and so I did, and by some miracle, you reciprocated my feelings. Finally, our last assignment and we both managed to stay alive, but Tricky, she helped us to meet Arceus, and I guess a miracle happened because I got given one last day to be with you."

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