"Me, want mama" Ruhi demanded looking down at the floor.

"She will come now, sweetie."

"Take me."

"I don't know which shop she has gone." Rk aid helpless.

"Mama..." Ruhi cute little lips plucker out as she started crying.

"aww... baby... please don't cry." When Rk tried to engulf her in his arms she pushed him away and ran to her play room.

After half an hour or so Madhu walked into the house carrying a shopping bag.

"Where were you, Madhu? You didn't even take your phone. If you had I would have called you and known exactly where you were shopping so that I could have drove Ruhi there to you." Rk asked hurrying out of the kitchen switching off the stove.

"Why? What happen?" Madhu asked casually. "It's not the first time I'm going out leaving Ruhi with you. Ruhi always loves to spend time with you and she never asks for me when I wasn't around her then what now?" Madhu questioned.

"Now, it's different. She is mad at me. She is not coming to me. She started crying when I said you left her and went to shopping."

"You two still haven't resolved." Madhu asked with a frown.

"How we will resolve when she is not ready to listen to me?" Rk asked. "God! What a fool am I? She is a baby... if I tell her I had beaten that idiot for a reason will she understand? Then how I can I think of explaining her my side reasons?"

"Baby, that she is... but she is not dumb. She will hear you if you talk to her."

"Oh really? For that first she needs to stand in one place. She runs at the sight of me. She is feared of me." Rk said sadly. He had frightened his daughter.

"I'll talk to her. You don't worry, okay?" Madhu reassured him with a smile. She couldn't see him sad. She have been seeing him daily taking care of Ruhi, doing everything for her like running her a bath, dressing her up, watching cartoons with her and playing all the time with her, surprising her with his stamina to always run behind their ever active little girl and reading bedtime stories to her. She was always clinging to him and today seeing him so sad without her makes her sad too.

"Okay. I have cooked breakfast for us. You go get her till then I will set the table." Rk said and walked back to the kitchen.

Madhu tried to convince Ruhi to talk with her daddy but she refused to do so. She stayed away and played alone in her playroom or played with her momma completely ignoring her daddy.

--0-- (2 days later)

"Bittuji... Can you believe her? Is she really two... Um... No, not even two years old little baby?" Rk asked Bittuji in astonishment.

"The 6 Feet tall and egoistic RK is on his knees and seeking for her pardon but she just pushed my chest and ran away..." Rk chuckled in disbelief. He never thought any girl will bring him down to his knees any day. Not even Madhu could do that but now, his little baby girl brought him down and made him hold his ears and plead, actually made him beg her. "Oh God! If she reacts this way for this simple issue then how will she react when I say her the truth, the past? I should brace myself to face her hatred then." Rk thought.

"She is your daughter, Chief." Bittuji stated matter of fact.

"But so stubborn as her mother refusing to forgive me." Rk smirked without humor.

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