I gulped. "It... was intertwined with another soul..."

"Exactly!" His black, leathery wings flipped out for a second and then folded back against his back again. "It's so simple, really. You take two souls, join them together, do a little tweaking with the body's DNA, and there you have it! A sometimes viable recombinant life form. I'm particularly proud of my handiwork with Tael, personally. Country DNA is so much more complicated than a regular human's."

"I should snap you in half for what you've done," Alfred growled darkly. So darkly, in fact, that I jumped a bit and my heart rate picked up.


"Ke ke ke ke... I'm sure you feel that way, but you're pretty tied down right now by the looks of all those restraints," Danny pointed out with a triumphant smirk. "Plus, you wouldn't want anything to happen to your sister, would you?"

I grimaced at the threat. "What do you think I am, a damsel in distress? I've come back to fuckin' life, in case you've forgotten."

"Ah, sure. But you still died before you could come back. Who's to say it won't happen again?"


Things were clicking into place a little more now. When Tael's soul was pulled from his body, which preserved itself like mine did when I went on my soul journey, he basically died. Then, when he was brought back to life by putting the soul back in his body, the markings on his back had to have appeared after that. I don't know how he got the markings other than maybe something odd happened because he was only a baby when it happened... But my curiosity was more or less sated for the time being.

Of course, my anger was a completely different story.

"I can't believe you would do something like this!" I screamed, yanking against the chains that kept my wrists together and above my head. "This is sick, I can't even dream why you would do something like this!"

"I already answered that," Danny said boredly as he swung his tail around and around lazily. "Curiosity."

'That's no excuse!' I yelled angrily in my head, though I kept it to myself. I didn't want to get us into any more trouble with the demons. Who knew what they would do to us...

"What are you gonna do about Tael now? Are you gonna try and take him back?"

I was surprised at Alfred's question; he was acting so much more level-headed than I thought he would in this kind of situation. But why...?

Danny snorted. "Ha! No way. He might be one of my best works, but he's still faulty. The telepathy link he establishes is leakier than a colander, and he's so damn weak. He was fun to whip, but I still grew bored with him."

'I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you' I chanted in my head like a mantra, even though it was doing the opposite of calming me down.

"You know, I've been thinking about a couple of fun ideas," a new voice said from the rafters above. The voice was on the verge of echoing, which made me wonder just how tall the ceiling above was.

A fluttering sound later, the newcomer stepped into the circle of light. It bounced off his off-white wings and pink-ish hair. I winced at the looped curl bobbing with every step he took to come closer. 'Oh, no...'

"What's that?" Danny asked with intrigue.

"We want to torture them eventually, right?" Devil-Canada said with an evil grin that made me swallow thickly.

"Uh-huh," Danny said, enjoying the suspense that was making Alfred and I sweat with anxiety.

"Let's make sure they're always being tortured, eh?"

Where Thou Art, That Is Home (Hetalia Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن