13: Don't Leave Me

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Luke's POV

I crumple up the notes and throw it to the ground as I run back to mine and the boy's room.

As I burst in I yell, "Lily-" I stop. What I see is the most bizarre thing ever.

"What. The hell. Are you DOING?"

Ashton spreads another layer off peanut butter onto Michael's and Calum's faces. They sit up.

"Oh! Come in darling! Come in! Sit sit!" He says in a high British accent.

Calum and him are wearing white robes and white towels on their heads that look like turbans.

"We're just getting our facials done. You know...SPA day and all that."
Calum says, flicking his wrist.


"Oooh!!! Calum my dear! Let's add some music to this glorious mood."

Calum hits a button on the stereo and classical music starts playing.

I cover my face with my hand.

"Why do I live with these idiots. Oh my god. This is just..." I mumble.

"Luke!!! Luke!!! Would you like to join us?" Michael asks, leaning back in his chair as Ashton puts cucumbers over his eyes.

"Uh...yah...no!" I say.

"Ugh! You're such a...BOY!" They all gasp in unison.

"Guys! You're boys too...idiots."

"Shoo! Shoo!" Calum yells, waving his hand at me. "If you don't have anything nice to say...Don't say anything at all!"

I snicker. "Ok...mom."

Calum sits straight up. The cucumbers pop off his eyes and he gasps.

He waves a finger at me.

"Oh no you did-nt."

I laugh. Then I remember Lily.

"Guys! Lily's gone!"
This time Michael sits up.

"What?!" They all shriek as one.

"Yeah. She's gone to...you know..."

"No!!! We need to save her!"

"I know. The only problem is...where the hell is she?"


Lily's POV

Tears stream down my face.

I can't help but wish Luke was here to hug me, tell me everything was okay, wipe my tears away.

But nothing was okay.

Luke wasn't here, I was alone. I'm going to try my best to leave the world and never come back. Hopefully before Luke finds me.

I press the knife blade to my wrist. I press it against my skin and I feel my warm blood dripping down. I seethe at the pain but I press harder. The blood streams out.

As I'm about to press it against my other arm I remember what Luke said.
My Luke. My love.

He told me...

He lσvєd me.

He really lσvєd me.

The word love jolts me back to reality.

Love isn't real in my mind. Love is just a label. A label for when two people think they are going to be together forever. In my case...I don't have forever.


Luke's POV

"Uh...I know where she is!" Michael shouts.


"At the beach. Where you two went on your first date. She can't get you off her mind man. She goes there a lot. I bet that's where she is."

"Let's go." I grab my jacket and the boys follow me out.


Lily's POV

I hold in my tears.

It's been 3 hours. I give in to the fact.

Luke's not coming.

My cuts have somewhat healed. They still have blood dripping from the open skin but the rest of the cut has scabbed.

I pull my sleeves over the cuts.

Ow! That hurts.

I see headlights shining from the parking lot but I choose to ignore them.

Footsteps shift the sand behind me but I don't turn. I just stare out at the water. It's pitch black.

I feel arms wrap around me.

"Lily. I was so worried. Don't ever do that to me again."

"I won't Luke. I promise."

I turn and kiss him.

I pull away.

"I love you Luke."

"Lily...I'm not Luke."

My eyes widen.


"Hey Lily."


Ooooooohh!! Lily kissed Calum! Lily kissed Calum.

-How will Luke react?

-Does Calum love Lily?

All these Q's will be answered in the next chapter.

New Update soon! Buh-Bye ma Wetzel-Pretzels. 😘

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