Chapter 23

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Valeria was now 8 months pregnant, and her due was right around the corner. She already had a baby shower, and she was so glad that her life was finally complete – reunited with her husband, finding her lost daughter and now a baby boy on the way. She was happy.

She was coming home from some errands out of town, and she saw her brother's car outside her house.

'That's weird...' She thought to herself.

She opened the door and Stephanie just jumped in front of her, blocking her way.

"Hey, MOM! What are you doing here?" she said out loud and over-acted.

"Um, this is my home." Valeria replied and tried to enter but Stephanie was still in her way. And well, she couldn't argue with an answer like that.

"You're right!" she laughed.

"It is your home, so you can come in!" she said really loud and Valeria knew that something's going on.

"Ok, so what is your father and Daniel are hiding from me?" she asked impatiently and went to the stairs, but Stephanie stepped on the first step and blocked her way again.

"Nothing." She replied but Valeria just rolled her eyes and pulled her away from the stairs and went up to the second floor.

She heard some noises from the room that was supposed to be the nursery, so she knocked on the door, and Alexander who was dressed like Sportacus, popped out his head, not opening the door too much.

"Oh, hey, sweetie!" he smiled.

"Yeah, hi, what's going on?" She asked.

"Sorry, I can't tell! See you later!" he said and wanted to close the door, but Valeria was getting angry and opened the door before they could lock it.

"Hey, I wanna know what-" she said but looked at the room.

It had light-blue stripped wallpaper, a white crib, a white diaper chest and they were just putting up some white shelves.

"Oh, you guys!" she began to tear up. Daniel and Alexander looked at each other and just smiled.

Alexander walked to her, wrapped his arms around her and gave her a big kiss on the cheek.

"We wanted to surprise you when we were finished, but you came back a little earlier than we thought." He told her.

"I love you guys so much!" she said and returned Alexander the hug, and Daniel came from her other side, hugged her and kissed her head.

"Anything for you, little sister." He smiled.

"You guys are really great." She told them with a smile.

"Can I come up already?" they heard Stephanie calling from downstairs.

"Yes!" They all called together.

She came up and saw the room.

"You guys did a very good job, it looks so great!" she said and Alexander pulled her into their hug.

Valeria looked down at her belly and added "I think Matias agrees with that." And Alexander put his hand on her belly, feeling the baby kicking.

"I think he does." He laughed. Valeria then looked at Daniel.

"Dani, do you want to feel him?" she turned to him.

"Oh... I..." he didn't quite know what to say.

"Come on, it's ok! That's you're nephew." She told him and took one of his hands and put it on her belly. Suddenly the baby began to kick really hard.

"I think he really likes you already!" she laughed, and he put his other hand too. His eyes lit up with happiness with the thought of his sister having another baby.

"I love you so much." He smiled and pulled her into another hug.


Later that day, after Daniel left, Alexander put away all the baby stuff in the drawers of the diaper chest and on the shelves, and Valeria was just looking at him doing it.

"You know, I still can't believe it." He said as he put some baby toys on the shelf.

"Still can't believe what?" she asked. He walked to her and held her.

"That the moment is finally about to come. That we passed almost a year together, with our daughter, as a family." He said.

He took a deep breath and continued.

"Sometimes I think it's too good to be true, but every time I feel him kicking, it's like somebody has pinched me and I realise it is true. After so many years a part we finally having another child. It's just... It's incredible." He kept on saying.

"I know exactly what you mean. And to think that in a month we will put a baby in this crib, right over there." She pointed at the white crib.

"I know. It's gonna be great!" he whispered and kissed her.

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