Chapter 9

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Three more days has passed, and it was already Friday.

The kids were very worried, they haven't seen Sportacus or Valeria in those three days.

Stephanie was the most concerned out of everyone.

These last days made her thought more about her parents – the ones she lost, and the ones she still has.


Meanwhile, in Valeria's and Alexander's house, the things were pretty bad too.

Since the accident, Alex hasn't left Valeria's side. She was way too depressed and that made Alex depressed too. On Thursday night, Valeria's parents flew all the way from Miami to see their daughter, and they stayed in the guest room.

In the morning after, the four adults sat in the living room.

Valeria and her father, Jorge sat on the sofa, in front of the TV screen, and Alison, her mother, sat on the couch next to them.

Alex, on the other hand, didn't sit with them, he was busy in the kitchen, making a cup of tea for Vale, since he knows it will calm her a bit.

"Sweetie, are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" Alison asked.

"Do I look like I want to talk about it?" Vale answered, taking a sip from her cup.

Alison heard her daughter's voice breaks, and decided to leave the subject.

"Then I guess the whole subject of Chloe is also closed." Jorge said in his slightly Mexican accent.

"You got it right." Vale leaned back on the sofa.

"Well, maybe Alex will tell us." Alison turned her head to him.

"Um, there's nothing much to tell about..." he sat on the other couch next to Alison.

"Except that... She got pretty mad at us. Somehow, she began to thought we abounded her." He told them.

"What? Why?" Jorge was shocked. Valeria looked angrily at her husband.

"Come on, Vale, they must know. Anyway, we have no idea why. She just said it. Then the two began to fight, and it was hard to understand what they were saying. Then they both stormed out, and Valeria blurted out she was pregnant." Alex kept telling.

"The last sentence was completely unnecessary to tell." Valeria commented.


When they took a break from the soccer game, Stephanie said without even thinking, "I'm going to talk to Valeria.", and was about to take off, not before her friends tried to stop her.

"What? Are you sure?" Pixel asked.

"Yes, I'm definitely sure."

"Stephanie, I'm not quite sure Valeria would like to see you now." Trixie added.

"I don't care, I want to make things clear." She walked away to Valeria's house.


When she finally arrived, she knocked on the door, and Alex went to open it. He saw from the kitchen window it was Stephanie.

He slowly opened the door, and bent down her, trying to hide her from the others.

"Stephanie, what are you doing here?" he whispered.

"I want to talk to Valeria." She answered seriously.

"Look, Stephanie, I don't think it's-" she didn't let him finish and pushed him out of her way and almost made him fall.

She stepped in and all the eyes were set at her.

"What is she doing here?" Vale asked surprised.

"I wanted to apologized, for everything. In the last days I've been thinking a lot, and I realised that I should be thankful I still have you two." She began to cry

"I mean, I already lost two parents, and I don't think I could've handle another loss. Not just a little brother or sister, but you! I'm sorry..." then she walked few steps forward and hugged Valeria as tight as she could. Valeria did the same, and whispered in her ear, "I love you..."

Alison, Jorge and Alexander were absolutely happy to see Stephanie finally accepting them as her family.

Then, Jorge noticed bracelet Stephanie was wearing on her wrist. He was shocked. His eyes became wider.

"The-The-The-The bracelet! She got the bracelet!" he exclaimed.

Stephanie and Valeria separated from the hug, and Stephanie took it off her wrist and handed it to Valeria, "I think this is yours." she smiled.

Vale felt it in her hands for a moment and then put it on her own wrist. Looking up again at Stephanie, she said "Thank you. Thank you so much."

Then Alexander broke the silence, saying "Well, since we're all here, I would like you to meet you grandparents – Grandma Alison and Abuelito Jorge." He laughed a little.

Stephanie immediately ran into her "new" grandmother's arms.

"Ah, you have no idea how much I've been waiting for this hug!" Alison laughed and kissed her granddaughter's cheek.

"Hey, what about your Mexican grandpa? Don't I deserve a hug too?" he asked, opening his arms wide.

Stephanie jumped from her grandmother's laps and ran into her grandfather's arms.

She almost knocked him down to the sofa, but he leaned on his hand to get steady.

He also kissed Stephanie's cheek and turned to his wife, "Ves, Alison? Asi lo hace!" and he sticked out his tongue at her.

They all laughed, and Valeria said "Welcome to our family, where my parents are immature."


Stephanie spent the rest of the day with her new/old family.

Her grandparents told her the most interesting tales about the family, and Vale and Alex shared the most embarrassing and funniest stories about each other.

Around 7:00pm they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Alexander shouted.

The person who came in was no else then Milford.

"Oh, hey uncle!" Stephanie smiled at him.

"Hi Stephanie. Your friends told me you came here. It is time for dinner." Milford tried to stay as calm as he could.

Stephanie looked out as much as she could from the kitchen window, seeing it was already dark outside.

"Oh, wow! You're right, I better be going." The pink girl stood out from the sofa and walked towards the door.

"I'll come back tomorrow, if that's ok with you." She said.

"Of course it is! You don't need to ask for a permission to be here." Valeria smiled at her.

"Ok, then. Bye!" she waved to them and closed the door behind.

"I think we should have dinner too." Alexander said, standing up from his couch and walking to the kitchen.

"Wow, this was her uncle?" Jorge asked.

Valeria nodded.

"Oh, he looks like such a good man. It will break his heart when she will move to your house." Alison added.

"IF she will move. It's her decision now if she wants to stay with her uncle or officially move in and be part of the Scheving family." Valeria said to her mother.

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