Chapter 11

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A few days later, Stephanie Meanswell officially became Stephanie Chloe Scheving. Stephanie decided to keep her original name, Chloe, as her second name. She was in her room, packing all her things with the help of her friends. They began to talk about memories they have from this room.

"Hey, remember this one time when Stingy, you and I had a camp inside your room?" Ziggy asked.

"Yeah, I remember that..." Stephanie giggled, remembering.

"Yeah, and then Robbie got into the house dressed up as a dinosaur!" Stingy added and laughed. Everybody laughed too, then Trixie said "Y'know, I really can't believe you're leaving this place."

"Me neither." The pink girl sighed, "But I saw my room in Vale's house. It's bigger and Vale has already ordered the furniture. And we can make new memories there. It's not like I'm leaving the town." She smiled at her friends.

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." Trixie said and continue packing.


In Stephanie's new room, Valeria was doing last arrangements before the room furniture are coming tomorrow. She pasted a pink and white and light-pink strips wallpaper on two of the walls, and left the two other walls white and pasted to them hot pink wall-stickers in shapes of butterflies. Now she was hanging a light pink curtain on the windows, using a ladder to hang them. But that didn't make Alexander so happy that she was doing all these things by herself.

He came back after his morning work-out, and saw that Vale wasn't in the living room. It got him worried, so he went upstairs and called her, but she didn't hear him since the door was closed.

But then he heard sounds from Stephanie's room. He walked up to it and opened the door, surprising her. She almost fell from the ladder, but Alex caught her in time.

"And that's why I asked you not to do it."

He put her down, and then she said "And there's a reason why I did it while you were out. You can't keep me off my feet for a month, you know."

"But that's what we decided. It's for your own good and you know it." He took her hands in his, "We can't let ourselves lose a third child, and I don't want to take any risks now. Look, it's almost 3 weeks to go, and then everything will be alright. So now go back to bed and I'll hang these curtains."

"Ugh, fine." She growled and was about to leave the room not before her husband kissed her and stroke her cheek.

Valeria got pregnant again three days ago, and Alexander convinced her to stay in bed for the first month so she won't move and do something that might hurt the baby. They also decided to keep it in secret from their friends, and tell only Valeria's family.

After hanging the curtains, Alexander looked around at the room. In two days Stephanie will live in that room, and finally the family will officially reunite. Then he realised that in a few months they will do the same to their new baby. But he decided when the time to do it comes, he will do it by himself this time. He don't want Valeria to strain while she's pregnant.


Back at the mayor's house, Stephanie and her friends had pretty much the same thoughts.

"You know, come to think of that, you're having many big changes in the past month." Pixel said.

"Really?" Stephanie asked, trying to think about it.

"Yeah, you lost your parents, then you discovered that you're adopted, then you found out that Sportacus and his wife are your parents and you met your real grandparents, in two days you will move to their house, and soon you might be a big sister." He explained.

"Wow, you're right... But all these changes were for good, because now I know who I really am. And about the last thing? I'm really looking forward to it!" she smiled.

"Are you sure? I know they are all excited now, that you all are reunited, but don't you afraid that once the baby comes, they will have less attention and love to you?" Stingy asked.

"What? No! And do you know why? Because this baby will be my brother or my sister and I will love as much as my parents will and maybe even more. And it won't mean I will be less important to them, because a baby may need a lot of attention, but it doesn't mean they will forget about me. And also, it will be nice for a change to have a little brother or sister." Stephanie explained and her friends nodded in agreement.


In the evening, after dinner (which Vale ate alone in the bedroom), Alex sat alone in the living room and watched the TV for a few minutes (It doesn't sound Sportacus-ish, right?) when he heard Valeria leaving the bedroom. He got up from the couch a little angry and yelled to her "Vale, where do you think you're going?!"

"Ugh, can't a pregnant woman go to the bathroom?!" she yelled back.

"Sorry!" he yelled again, laughing a bit.

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