Chapter 13

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Stephanie became officially a part of her real family, but it was less than two weeks for the summer vacation to end, and Milford decided to make his part in the deal between him and Valeria, He volunteered to buy Stephanie all the books and school supplies she needed while Sportacus was taking care of Valeria.

Valeria was very happy the summer vacation was about to end in two weeks – she will finally get out of her bed after being in it for the last month!

She wasn't very active like her husband was, but she just hated to be in bed more than 10 hours unless if she was sick. But on the other hand, she did became pretty tired during these two weeks, because of her pregnancy. It amazed her that she was very tired of just doing nothing.

Alexander was taking care of her all this time. He felt a little guilty after the accident, he felt that maybe things were different if he was going with her. But Valeria always knew how to calm him down – all she had to do was smile at him, tell him that everything is ok now, and to remind him that they still going to have a baby.

Valeria used to be very independent since she lived many years apart from Alexander, and it was weird for her to not do anything, but she liked it very much.

Stephanie was really happy in her new, bigger room. Her friends came frequently, and Ziggy and Trixie even came once to sleep over.


One morning, the kids were playing board games in their club house, when they began to talk about the new school year that is coming very soon.

"I can't believe we're going to be 5th graders in two weeks. That's gonna be awesome." Stephanie got excited.

"Yeah, but you have to be prepared, everyone will sure talk about you on the first day!" Pixel commented.

"Why do you think that?" she asked.

"Well, the whole town knows about it! It's literally the most interesting thing that happened this summer! Be prepared to a lot of questions..." he explained.

"Yeah! We were with you the whole summer and I still have questions!" Trixie added.

"Oh, really? Like what?" Stephanie asked as she got mad.

"Like how you moved in with them so fast? I mean, sure, biologically they are your parents, and we all knew that you have this special, unexplainable connection to Sportacus since he came to this town. But what about her? Why did you trust her so easily?" Trixie asked.

"Trixie, if she wasn't my real mother I wouldn't get attached to her as fast as I did with Ale-Sportacus, right? Now, if we can change this subject that'd be great." Stephanie replied, annoyed and trying to hold her tears.

"Right... But still, I don't –" Trixie began to say when Stephanie interrupted.

"But what?! Valeria came just in time to this town, exactly when I lost the people who I thought were my real parents. It's like destiny or something, I don't know. But I do know that both Valeria and Sportacus loves more than Lilian and Gary! Both of them were busy at their work and I barely saw them every day, when on the other hand, I have Valeria and Sportacus who are going to make me a big sister!" She screamed at her friends and cried. They were all silent.

"You know what, just forget it..." She stood up and left the club house.


She walked silently and sobbed, when she passed next to the park, where Sportacus was playing by himself.

He noticed her, stopped what he was doing and ran to her way.

Putting his hand on her shoulder, he asked "Sweetie, is everything alright?"

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