Chapter 22

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Another two months had passed, and Valeria was already in her third trimester of pregnancy. Oh, and it was also Valentine's Day today. Valeria and Alexander got married that day, but ever since Alexander left to be Sportacus, she stopped celebrating the day. The last time they celebrated it was the year when Sean was born. He came home to be with them as he promised, but when Sean was 1-month-old he left again.

Alexander decided to surprise her this year. Stephanie was in school and she wasn't supposed to come home until the afternoon since she will go to Trixie after that, so it was no problem for him to decorate the house a little – a bouquet of roses was placed in a glass vase on the dining table, a CD with some love songs was ready in the CD player and he lit some pink, white and red scented candles. Then he went upstairs to call her, and found her lying in bed and reading a book.

"Hey." He said, still standing at the door.

"Oh, hey!" she lifted her head from the book. "I didn't see there."

"Yeah... Do you remember what day is it today?" he asked and tried to give her a hint.

She checked the date in her phone, then said "Oh, yeah, it's the 14th." and then went back to her book. But then she realised.

"Oh my god. It's the 14th."

She was shocked and didn't know how to react, but Alexander just smiled and calmed her down.

"You don't have to worry about that at all. Just come with me downstairs, ok?" he told her, and she didn't answered. She just took his hand and followed him downstairs.

When they got there and she saw everything she started to cry. But Alex had a feeling that it were her real emotions and not just her hormones that going crazy in her body lately.

"Oh, Alex! It's beautiful!" she cried.

"I'm glad you like it. It's my way to kinda... make up for not being with you for the last years." He said and caressed her face, then went to the remote that was on the dining table and pressed the "play" button, and the song "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston came along.

"You do know this song is a cliché, right?" she laughed.

"Maybe. But it is saying everything I feel for you." He told her and picked out a rose from the bouquet, then tucked it behind her ear.

"I will always love you. Always and forever." He whispered and then kissed her passionately, like on the day that Valeria moved to LazyTown.

Later they just hugged each other and moved to the music.

Everything was just perfect, until something – or more likely someone, interrupted the moment. The baby began to kick in Valeria's womb, and they both felt it. It was like a reminder that their family was about to get bigger. But they didn't anything, they just smiled and Alex hugged her tighter and closer to him. He didn't want the moment to end.

Suddenly, Valeria lifted her head from his chest, looked straight into his eyes and said "I love you for everything you've done, are doing, and will do for me." and kissed him again.

When she drew back, Alexander smiled and said "Isn't it what you said in your wedding vows?"

"Well, it is our wedding anniversary, isn't it?" she smiled too and he kissed her again.


Later, Alexander decided that it was time for their romantic lunch to the candles light.

He separated from the hug and asked her "Are you hungry?"

"Are you serious? To ask a pregnant woman if she's hungry will be like to ask Mandy if she wants to go shopping. The answer will be 'all the time'." Valeria told him in a sarcastic tone and made both of them laugh.


After lunch, Alexander cleaned the table and kitchen and put out the candles, he joined Valeria on the sofa while she waited for him to play her favourite movie, "The Proposal" starring Sandra Bullock. She never got him to watch it, but now it was finally her chance.

Still at the beginning of the movie, Valeria told him, "You know, it is just one of the best days of my life."

"One of them? What are the others?" he asked curiously.

"Well, there are so many..."

"Come on, I wanna hear!"

"Well, then the first was the day you proposed to me, and the second was the day we got married. The third was the day Sean was born, and the fourth was the day we found out that Stephanie is really ours. The fifth is today and sixth is yet to come." She explained.

"What will be the sixth?" he asked, and he looked pretty puzzled.

"The sixth will be the day that our boy will be born." She said and placed his hand on her belly, and he felt him kicking. It was exciting every time.

He leaned over and kissed her belly and rested his head on Valeria's laps and they both continued to watch the movie.


Later that night, after Alexander put Stephanie to sleep, he got into bed and Valeria turned to him.

"Do you have a name for a boy in your mind?" she asked.

"No, haven't thought about it yet. The day is just coming really fast, isn't it?"

"Mmm-hmm. I actually have a name in my mind, but I want to make sure that you'll like it."

"Sure, what is it?"

"I thought of Matias. Also because I love the name but it's also after my great-grandfather." She told him and put her hand on his.

"That is a great name, for the great person I'm sure he will be." He smiled and caressed her belly.

"So, he will be Matias?"

"Matias it is." He said and kissed her, then turned off the lights.

"Good night, Alex." She said.

"Good night, my love." He said and pulled her closer.

"Good night to you too, Matias." He said, kissed her forehead and they both fell asleep.

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