Chapter 7

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The day has come.

All the four – Valeria, Alexander, Stephanie and Milford - woke up at exactly 9:45am.

They got dressed and ate breakfast, just in time when they had to leave at 10:30am.

"You know, I thought it would feel weirder to wear my normal clothes." Alexander laughed.

"And still we don't want the other children to see you like that, so shut up and get in the car already!" Valeria commanded him impatiently.

In the other car, Milford noticed that his niece was nervous.

"Stephanie, are you ok?" he turned to his niece, who was sitting in the back seat.

"No... It's just that I'm too excited about the whole thing." She replied.

"Don't be. Everything will be fine. The fact that you will might have new parents, won't stop me from being your uncle." He smiled and look at her through the mirror.

Eventually, the two arrived to the hospital, and waited next to the doctor's office. Then, 3 minutes late, Valeria and Alexander has arrived to the place.

"Hey, we're not late, are we?" Vale asked almost out of breath.

"No, no, you arrived just in t-" Milford and Stephanie were a little shocked when they saw Alexander\Sportacus wearing a black t-shirt and jeans, and he was without his hat.

Alex understood, and tried his best not to laugh.

"Ok, then." Vale tried to break the awkward moment, and the two sat in silence next to Milford.

Two more minutes has passed, and finally the doctor opened his door.

"Meanswell Stephanie?" he called.

The pink girl hesitated a little and stood up. As she walked into the doctor's office, Vale jumped out of her chair right before he closed the door and asked "Um, just a tiny question... Is the test done by a blood sample, saliva, or something else? We just haven't been told what..."

"Oh, simply, a saliva sample." He answered and closed the door.

Vale sat back in her place, while her husband looked at her, with a weird look.

"What?" she asked.

"...Nothing." he shook his head.

First, she kind of yelled at him this morning, now this question... Why it was that important to her to know what kind of test they will do to her?

It took Stephanie only three minutes, and when she went out the doctor called Valeria.

I took her also three minutes, and then came Alexander's turn.

When he came out, he thanked the doctor for something.

"What did the doctor tell you?" Valeria rose an eyebrow at him, trying to understand.

"Just that it will take at least two weeks to the results to come." He simply answered and shrugged his shoulders.

"Ok... Anyway, I think we should all go back home right now, I have some things to do in my office." Milford said.

"Of course." Alex smiled at him, and they all began to walk in the white hallways.

"Actually, Alex... I thought that maybe we could stop somewhere and... Get a snack?" Vale tried to convince him.

"Seriously? You're hungry?" he asked suspiciously.

"Ugh, fine, I'll eat something at home." She rolled her eyes and they continue walking.

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