"Yes. I even mentioned it in my vows at our wedding." Alexander laughed a bit.

"Yeah, and if you think that was cute, you should've seen him for the rest of the other 8 months." Valeria laughed too.

"Oh, god, you're not gonna tell her other things, don't you?" he begged.

"Oh, yes, I am." She answered as Stephanie looked at them back and forth.



When Valeria was four months pregnant, the doctor told her that their baby should be start kicking around the fifth or sixth month. But Alex really wanted it to happen now.

From time to time, when they were together in their bed, he would put his hand on her belly and shake it. "Come on. Come on, kick."

"You're really bored, don't you?" his wife asked.

"No, I just want it to kick already! I don't wanna miss it when it happens." He explained.

"Trust me, you won't."

When Valeria got into her fifth month, it finally happened.

Alexander was preparing for dinner, and Valeria argued with him that she wanted to help.

"But why not?" she cried.

"Because you should be less activate now that you're having a baby." He answered.

"I know, but I-" she started to say and then stopped and looked at her belly.

"But what?" he turned around to her and saw that something wasn't ordinary with her.


"What? Are you ok?!"

"The baby is kicking." She said putting both of her hands on her belly.

He came closer and reached to her belly.

"Oh my god. It's happening. It's really kicking." He barely said, and Valeria just nodded.

"How does it feel?" he asked.

"Wonderful." She smiled at him through tears of joy.

Then he bent down to the level of her belly and began to kiss it.

End of flashback


"Oh, and there's the ultrasound story. So, there was the ultra sound when we were supposed to find out if you were a boy or a girl. He and my parents hoped for a boy, but both my brother and I hoped it would be a girl. Jorge and Daniel even made a bet on it, and we all know who won the money." Vale told her as Alex shook his head.



The critical day has come – today they will find out if they were having a boy or girl.

Valeria was already 20 years old and she was in her sixth month of pregnancy, which was July. She was sitting in the waiting room with her husband next to her and rubbed her belly, when out of nowhere the baby began to kick.

"Oh, hey there." She laughed.

Alexander noticed that and put his hand on her belly, and she moved it to another spot so he could feel it better.

When they were in the doctor's room, they both were really nervous.

"Everything seems perfectly fine with your baby, no need to be worried. Now, would you like to know the sex of it?" the doctor asked.

"Yes, we would." Vale answered.

"Well, then, it's a girl. Congratulations." The doctor told them.

"Oh my... We'll be having a daughter." Alexander smiled.

When they left, Valeria asked her husband "Now, who will tell my father that he owns 75$ to Daniel?"

End of flashback


"Well, I think I'm really going to like him." Stephanie laughed.

"Oh, you will. He used the money to buy a huge teddybear for you before you were born." Alex told his daughter.

"That became mine after the past events... But it was nice to cuddle it though, while you were gone." Valeria added.

"Gosh, I'm getting really tired. Maybe we should all go to sleep now." Valeria yawned.

"Wait, I wanna know what happened on the day that I was born." Stephanie said.

"Ok, you're going to bed – right now." Alex told her and picked her up and walked with her back to her room.

When he put her in her bed, he told her "Now it's definitely the time to talk about it. We are not ready to tell you the full story yet. Ok?"

She nodded.

"Good. Good night, sweetie."

When he came back to the bedroom, he noticed that his wife was crying. She looked up at him.

"I really don't want it to happen to us again!"

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