
Two weeks has passed, and finally, the day has come – the results came in the mail.

In the Schevings home, the couple were too excited.

"Alex!!" Vale called him as she ran through the door after bringing the mail from the mail box at 7:00am.

He exactly done with brushing his teeth, then ran down stairs to see what her excitement was about.

"Hey, what's going on?" he asked.

She handed him the big brown envelope.

"Are these the results?" he asked nervously.

She just nodded, too nervous to speak.

Alexander took a very big and deep breath.

"So... I'm going to open it."

She nodded again, then put her hand on her eyes as if she was crying, and started to shiver.

"Ok... here we go..." he slowly opened the envelope.

He pulled out the paper, and read it to himself in his head.

"I-It's positive." He was almost out words.

"Really?" Vale peaked through her fingers.

"Yes..." he replied quietly and gave her the paper.

She read herself and began to laugh nervously.

"Oh my god... Oh my god! It's positive." She kept telling.

Then she stopped and realised something - "We are having our daughter back. Alex, we are having our daughter back."

He began laugh and smile with her too, and hugged her tight and swung her around.

In the Meanswells home, they were also excited, but they also were afraid.

Milford went out to bring the mail, around 7:15am.

He was still sleepy until he went over the mail, when saw the big brown envelope.

"S-S-Stephanie... Stephanie, wake up." He called her.

Stephanie came from her room, rubbing her eyes, trying to wake up.

"What is it?" she asked in a sleepy voice.

"The results from the hospital came in the mail." He told her.

"Oh." Suddenly she opened wide her eyes.

"Do you want to see it?"

Her answered was clear – "Yes, I do."

Milford opened the envelope.

Taking a deep breath, he pulled out the paper.

He read it, and was pretty speechless.


"Well, um... It is positive."

"R-Really? So... They're actually my parents?" Stephanie was shocked.

"Yes, they are." He replied, with a weak smile on his face.

"Wow..." Stephanie was trying to realise it.

"I will call them later. Looks like we need to have a serious conversation..." Milford said.

Stephanie didn't respond. She was deep in thoughts.


Around 5:30pm, Sportacus and Vale came to the mayor's house.

Valeria knocked on the door.

"Come in." Milford called them.

Slowly Valeria opened the door, to found a little nervous Milford and an upset Stephanie.

"Hey..." She smiled at them.

Sportacus entered after her.

There was a very long silence between them, until Vale decided to break it.

She moved closer to Stephanie, and was about to say something, but Stephanie, who crossed her arms angrily said to her in the most emotionless tone "Don't touch me."

"Uh, excuse me?" Valeria didn't understand what happened to her.

"I don't want to talk to you." She said. "Both of you." She turned to Sportacus, and was about to leave the room before Valeria pulled her back.

"Stephanie, what's wrong with you today?" Valeria knelt down to be in her height.

"Oh, look who's asking!" she said sarcastically.

"What?" even Sportacus was surprised.

"I mean, it was pretty obvious that in some point in all those 10 years you stopped looking for me! You clearly abounded me..." she responded.

"WHAT?" Valeria and Sportacus looked at Milford, who felt embarrassed.

"Are you kidding me, Rosita?" Valeria asked Stephanie in a skeptical tone, then knelt down again.

"Just for you to know, it took us a year and half just to find that orphanage where you were kidnapped to, and then another 8 years and half to find you today! Since you were kidnapped from us, we didn't stop looking for you, while your family hid from you that you're actually adopted!" she yelled at her.

"Well, I..." Stephanie yelled back, and the girls started to fight.

"I HATE YOU!" Stephanie shouted at Vale and walked angrily to her room.

"FINE! I DON'T NEED YOU!" Valeria shouted back and stormed out of the house.

Both Milford and Sportacus went after their girls.

Sportacus saw that Valeria walked very fast until she sat down on a bench, far from the mayor's home, and then she began to cry.

He ran towards her, and then sat down next to her.

"Hey... It's gonna be ok-" he said putting his hands on her arms.

"Could you stop saying that?!" she cried.

"It's not ok! I knew it wouldn't be ok! It's all wrong, this happens so fast, and with the pregnancy, ugh, it's just all wrong!" she held her head in her hands.

Sportacus wanted to make sure he heard her well.

"Wait, pregnancy..? Are you saying that you're pregnant?" he asked.

She stopped crying, then sat up straight and wiped her eyes before looking in his eyes.

"Yeah, well... I didn't want to tell you like this, but... Yes. I'm pregnant." She weakly smiled at him.

"When did you find out?" he asked.

"The morning of test... That's makes it two week."

"Oh, Vale, these are amazing news!" he got excited and they hugged each other tight.

"I love you, I love so much!" he kissed her on the cheek, and then on the lips.

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