Tauriel and Kili Have a Bad Day

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Kili could hear his brother shouting for him but his attention was on the crowd of people on the docks and the cargo that was being unloaded from a ship. Tangled in a net was a long fish, about twelve to fifteen feet with dark green scales and a mass of red hair. The mass of net and thrashing fins was unceremoniously dropped onto the dock, the people responsible stood around in a loose circle, trying to decide what to do next. Dr. Mazziotta and Dr. Yandell were in a discussion, whereas the others of the group were more excited about getting pictures and talking to the crowd that was gathering, including the troublesome Ms. Kraus.

"Please stay back!" Dr. Yandell warned the curious people who tried to get too close. Even trapped in a net, the creature continued to thrash and hiss, trying to attack anyone who got too close with its long tail. Bran smiled widely when he saw Kili shoving his way through the crowd.

"Eyyy Kili! Surprised are-"

"What have you done!?" Kili screamed at the startled Bran who took a step back.

"What? It's just one of those things that captured us, serves it right!" Bran argued and gave the fish a smack with the harpoon he was holding in a sort of victory pose. It snarled at the further insult, grabbing it and wrenching it from Bran's grip, which was easy to do as Kili had punched Bran right in the face.

" 'It' has a name!"

"The fuck, Kili?"

"What?" Collin chimed in to the chaos, wondering why Kili had just punched Bran in the face, while Fili came in with a, "Is she alright?" and the mermaid cast a glance up at the humans, recognizing the brothers. This did not stop her from her task of cutting the ropes with her teeth and the harpoon she had just acquired.

"Mr. Durinson!" Dr. Yandell exclaimed before yelping when Bran returned the punch Kili had given him. What Bran hadn't expected was a clawed hand with webbed fingers grabbing his ankle and yanking him to the ground.

"Hurt," her mouth was open, pointed teeth, and Bran became aware that she had cut her bonds and was gripping the harpoon he had used against her. She snapped her tail, slamming his chest and causing a series of loud cracks, before he could react. He watched her spin the harpoon, the deft twitch of her fingers made him realize she knew exactly what she was doing a moment before he felt the blade cut his throat.

"Tauriel no!" Bran remained perfectly still, staring at Kili who had grabbed the harpoon and the mermaid's arm. He swallowed, feeling the blood trickle down his neck, and watched as the creature looked up at Kili.

"Hurt," Kili nodded once as he pulled the harpoon from her hand, her grip loosened.

"I know they hurt you, they didn't know," she pulled back her lips and bared her teeth.

"Hurt Kili," she hissed, eyes darting between Kili and his brother as her expression softened.

"I'm fine, Tauriel, no hurt. Let's get you safe," Kili whispered, extending his hand. She took his hand but pinned her ears back into her hair as she looked around. Kili glanced at the others standing around, the crowd with their phones out, the whispers, and those that were armed with weapons pointed at her. Lastly he looked at the team of scientists, led by the two doctors, who were staring in horror or fascination and taking notes.

"I'll help," Fili said, knowing a creature over twelve feet long and made of muscle would be too heavy for Kili to lift all on his own. She looked at Fili and clicked, but did not protest when he and Kili picked her up, Kili holding her torso and Fili her tail. She wrapped her arms around Kili, trusting them.

"You know her?"

"It spoke!"

"Is he alright on the ground?"

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