Do You Wanna Catch A Mermaid?

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When Kili returned from a stint at sea, he was pleased to hear the number of sightings of the mysterious red sea monster had dropped. He took that as a sign that she was being more careful, and it seemed that interest in the creature was finally dying out. He did not see any reporters or any of the scientists during his few days on shore, and he was grateful for that.

The first day after he had gotten back, Tauriel was nowhere to be found. He was both glad she was staying away, but also sad that she wasn't around. The next day was the same, but the third day proved better. Fili claimed he was what had brought them luck, as he had joined his brother on the third trip out to find her.

Tauriel was happy to see them, and presented them with gifts as she always did: an odd lump of something completely covered in barnacles and other sea materials for Kili, and a smooth rock with markings scratched into it for Fili. When they cleaned off the lump later that night they found an old pocket watch, no doubt washed overboard or from a wreck.

This time they had a surprise for her though, and she was delighted to see things from their world. For hours they were entertained by throwing a Frisbee out over the water, Tauriel chasing and leaping from the waves to catch it with either her mouth or her hands, and when they tired of that they flew a kite. Based on the excited chirps from Tauriel they decided that she was enjoying herself immensely. As night fell they showed her one last thing before they headed back home: a candle. She didn't squeak or flick her tail in excitement, instead she grew still, staring at the flame once they had lit the wick. She was fascinated, studying it, reaching for it carefully to feel the heat, but avoided touching it. With clouds overhead, there weren't any stars to see, so she was content to watch the flame dance as the candle slowly burned down. Kili and Fili entertained themselves by studying her in turn, particularly the dots of light that were easier to see in the darkness of night. When the candle had burned itself out they bid her farewell and returned to shore.

"I wonder if it can be repaired," Kili mused to himself a few days later, looking at the watch Tauriel had given him. Fili, in turn, had some of the rocks that Tauriel had given to them and was studying them. Dolly knew them well enough to not ask about why they had so much random stuff out on the table they were eating at, but she still raised an eyebrow when she brought them their food.

"Take it to a shop and see, maybe a pawn shop or a jeweler could do it? Have you noticed the scratches on these rocks?" Fili asked, comparing two rocks in his hands. Kili pocketed the watch for later, looking at Fili's hand.

"Yeah, what about them?"

"Is she etching into the rocks? They look like letters or something," Fili pondered, indicating to the two in his hand, "notice how some of the markings are the same?"

"I hadn't until just now," Kili admitted, now looking closely at the rocks Fili and brought along. He had looked at all of them before, but never compared them to one another. Seeing them side by side, he did notice repetitions in the markings.

"A written language?" Kili asked, not that his brother would be able to answer.

"'Lil Durinsons!" the booming voice startled them out of their conversation, and they looked up to see Greg Radake beaming down at them.

"Hey, Radake, heard you've been doing well this season," Fili greeted the older fisher, wondering what had brought him over to their table but offered him a seat.

"I was, but now my little helper is gone!" he explained, taking the seat next to Kili.

"Your... little helper? You had a greenhorn on board?" Kili asked, not remembering hearing that. He knew a few of the captains had taken on new crewmen this season, but didn't realize Radake had one as well. Radake shook his head and nudged Kili.

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