note 10

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I wish you loved me the way I love you.

Remus... I know you don't feel the same way. In reality, I never expected you to. You're so completely perfect in every way. How could you possibly fall for someone like me, someone so tragically flawed with so little to love? No one has ever truly loved me. I don't expect you to.

Even so, there's just a nagging in the back of my mind. I know that it's so unlikely for you to love me, I get it, but somehow it still hurts. Somehow I still lie awake at night and hope to Merlin that I'm miraculously wrong. Of course, my wish doesn't come true. It never does.

It's fine. Really, it's okay. Don't feel bad if you ever somehow read this. I'm fine with you being my best friend. I'll take anything I could get.

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