It wasn't so hard to find two seats next to each other. Yeah, the room was kind of packed since this was our only theater for a while, but people usually came in bigger groups to action movies. I saw two near the middle and headed straight for them, Johnny trailing behind me. 

I plopped into one seat while Johnny slid into the one next to me. He took the sodas and popcorn from me so I could get situated in my seat. You'd be surprised at how difficult it is to maneuver in the seats when you were barely five months pregnant with twins. I took my soda back once I was comfortable and squished the popcorn between us. 

"How's Preston?" Johnny asked as the pre-previews rolled through the theater. 

That simple question launched me into a flashback of what had happened just a few weeks before. That Thanksgiving had been exciting and disappointing. I loved being able to see and talk to my best friend, but the fact that everything I had brought up my courage for had fallen through the cracks was a real bust.  

As I had expected, the sound and picture had cut out right before I had said that I was pregnant. The whole session was lost and he hadn't heard I word I had said. He called my cell phone just a few moments later to properly say good bye. 

"Wait, what were you going to say?" he had asked immediately after I picked up. 

I sighed, knowing I didn't want to tell him over the phone. Skype was about as close as I was going to get to face-to-face and I wouldn't tell him any other way. I had been set on that resignation for a long time. 

"I just was going to say I love you and I can't wait to see you again," I lied, flinching at my own words. They had been so bittersweet in that moment. 

He was quiet on the other end, obviously not totally believing my lie. 

"Alright," he responded skeptically. "I can't wait to see you, Riles. I'll call you sometime within the next two weeks, I promise. I love you, angel." His voice sounded sad and I couldn't help but wonder if my lies were the reason for it. 

"I love you, too, Preston," I mumbled, tears welling up in my eyes. I brought my hand up to my cheeks and wiped the tears away while sniffling. I hated that my nose ran whenever I cried. It had been a constant thing lately. 

"Are you crying, Riles?" he asked, sounding concerned.  

I figured this lie wouldn't mean so much to me. "No," I said, albeit unconvincingly. I sniffled again unintentionally. Stupid hormones making me cry. Stupid boy. Stupid me. 

"Don't cry, angel," he pleaded. "I hate it when you cry, especially when I'm not there." 

I wiped more tears away and sniffled again. "I know, I'm sorry. I just miss you and I hate that we only ever get to talk on the phone or send each other letters. I actually want you here with me. I miss you so much, Preston." 

"I know," he sighed. "I miss you, too. I can't wait to see you and my family again." 

"And we can't wait to see you," I responded, a slight smile fluttering across my face. 

"Shit, I gotta go, angel," he sighed as a voice yelled in the background. "I'll talk to you soon. I love you." 

My throat constricted. I was a horrible person for not telling him when I had the chance. I am such a wuss. "I love you, too." 



I brought myself back to present day and turned to Johnny. "He's doing well," I said. "I haven't actually talked to him in a while, but the last time I did, he was doing well." 

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