Steph turned to see Selena. "Dad tried to make me sign divorce papers."

Selena rolled her eyes and threw a curse word and asked: "Let me guess, he's disappeared without a trace."

Steph nodded and Mark came up and stood next to Steph.

"And we were supposed to fly out in an hour in a half, we can't now though. We have to find Vince." he stated.

"Duh, does he know the area?" Selena asked.

"Do any of us? This is St. Paul Minnesota, this is way out of our league. And we don't have time to chase Dad around the country. The Royal Rumble is coming up and we can't miss that." Steph replied.

"Well, I've lived everywhere, almost, I know this area pretty well, who can you spare for a seek and destroy mission?" Selena asked.

Steph did a count in her head and she noticed Selena appeared to be thinking as well.
"The Royal Rumble is on the 21st, it's the eighth. If I leave now, I'll try to be back at midnight. Which hotel are you and the employs staying at?"

Steph rattled off the information and Selena asked who she could take with her.

"You'll need one officer, since their involved, but we need someone who represents the company." she said.

"What if me and Mark go?" Shane volunteered.

Steph looked uneasy. "What if Dad tries to have me removed from my hotel?"

"Then I'll go." Joan said.

"Hold up, we don't need the whole roster." Selena replied.

"Let's divide into three or four groups, Wight, Henry and Jacobs, go with Steph, one of the officers too. Steph, take the pictures with you. Selena, how many search parties do you want out?" Mark ordered.

"Well, if we do four, that means we have three looking for McMahon. And we have six officers here, so if four can split down." Selena said.

"Joan, Ivory, Sable, Dwayne, find a willing officer and go see Selena for directions. Hey Austin!"

Stone Cold Steve Austin turned to see why Mark was calling him.

"What?" he asked.

"We're looking for McMahon, care to join a search party?" Mark asked.

"After what he did that last couple of years? Of course I'm in. And yes I am sober." Austin replied.

"For once." Mark commented. "Helmsley, Austin, Billy Gunn! Grab an officer and into car three."

The two search parties left and Selena asked who was going with her.

"Shane, you and me, plus whatever officer goes with us." Mark replied.

"I have little to none self defense training, Mark! We need at least one more guy!" Selena protested.

"Does it look like I have any staff available? Let's go. You're driving." Mark said.

"Alrighty boss!" Selena said with heavy sarcasm.

Steph felt like she was going to have a mental breakdown.

"Steph, honey, relax. We'll find your Dad and secure our life again. Understand?"

Steph looked up and saw Mark. "Understood."

Mark hugged, kissed her and told her they'd be back as soon as possible.

"We'll try to be at the hotel at midnight, but don't be surprised if we show up at one!" Selena yelled while she was getting her coat on.

"Got it! Oh! Selena! Take cellphone numbers just in case someone gets lost!" Steph hollered.

She ran over to Selena with a piece of paper and Selena nodded.

"We'd better hurry, it's 10:30." Shane said.

"Alright! Say your goodbyes while I warm up the car." Selena replied, running out.

Steph was escorted out after a few moments, looking back she noticed Mark was watching her leave. She blew a kiss and he caught it. Which made her feel somewhat better. But it was still nagging something was wrong.


Note the people I sent with Steph. Kane's 300 pounds, Show is 500 and Mark Henry is 500.

That's 1,300 pounds right there. I hope nobody tries to escort Steph away from that hotel!


The plot thickens!

The Lady of Darknessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن