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The 31st of December


"Do you have any plans for New Year's Eve?"

As Kristen tells Rob that she doesn't have any plans at the moment, Cole nudges her leg softly. "I think Cole knows I'm talking to you, she keeps looking at the phone."

Rob chuckles through the phone, making Kristen's heart ache; after spending nearly the whole month together, the last few days apart have been weird for both of them.

"I wish we could spend it together, like we used to," Kristen whispers, stroking Cole softly as she lays beside her on the couch. "Will you stay in London?"

He explains that he's going to the Isle of Wight, and the ache in her chest returns, remembering the midnight kisses that they've shared together on that tiny little island. "I can't...after the month that we've spent together, I can't spend New Year without you. Can you get a flight over to London?"

Kristen's heart flutters at the thought of spending New Year's Eve together. "I'd love to, Rob. Can we...I don't want to tell anybody that we're... about us yet, I'm not ready for that yet. And as much as I love our friends, they can be so fucking nosey."

Rob's soft laugh makes Kristen laugh too, both remembering times when their friends asked them about their relationship, sometimes asking things more intimate than they should have asked.

"We'll keep it quiet, love, take it slow. That's the best thing to do. I'll see you soon, Kris, let me know when you land."


Kristen gently knocks on the door of Rob's flat, adjusting her backpack as she waits outside. When the door opens a little bit, she hears Rob whisper, "is that you, Kris?"

"No, it's Batman," she giggles, pushing the door open a little to reveal Rob's face, "Of course it's me! Am I allowed in?"

He nods, opening the door just enough so that she can squeeze into the flat. As Rob locks the door, Kristen pauses in the hallway to look around. It's been a long time since she's visited his flat, but regardless of how long it's been, it still feels like home. Especially with Rob there, looking at her like she's the most amazing thing in the world.

Slipping her shoes off and placing her backpack down beside them, she feels two arms wrap around her waist and Rob's lips on her neck.

"It's so good to have you in my arms again," Rob whispers, letting Kristen turn around so that she can face him, "It's been too long."

"It's been five days, Rob."

"Five hours is too long to be apart from you, love. But you're here now. Can I have a kiss?"

With a smile, Kristen stands up on her tiptoes to reach Rob's lips, kissing him softly as he sighs at the feel of her lips against his again. When Kristen pulls away slowly, Rob leaves another kiss on the side of her lips as she whispers, "we need to leave soon."

"Do you need to shower?" He asks, unable to hide his excitement.

"Rob," she says, half-snorting, half-laughing. "When did we ever have shower sex where it didn't end disastrous?"

"Who said anything about sex?" He asks, feigning innocence.

She raises her eyebrows. "Your eyes did."

He hums before starting to place kisses on her neck again, but this time lingering and eagerly. Kristen swallows.

"As well as the way you're kissing me right now."

Sequel (Advent Calendar 2016)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora