Finale (Explained)

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I felt the need to explain this since I know some people are confused, so I'm going to explain why I wrote "Finale," why I wrote it the way I did, and what my intention was behind it.

I absolutely LOVE leaving decisions up to the reader! The first time i was exposed to something like this is when my English class read a story called "The Lady, or the Tiger?" At the end, you are left with a cliffhanger and, with careful analysis, you choose whether you think the woman or the tiger was chosen.

That's similar to my intention for the previous chapter. Was the first heart attack thing real? Was it all a dream and had (Y/N) really been in a hospital? Maybe (Y/N) actually had fallen asleep while reading the book! Or had (Y/N) simply just fallen deep into thought and slumber at the window of the foster home? If she did, was the second heart attack real? But even then, did they really die and/or go to heaven? Who knows. Maybe (Y/N) isn't even dead! ...Or could she have been already, before even meeting Jack, which is why the barrier didn't kick her out?

I think explaining this will help you guys understand better.... I hope so.... And if you never questioned anything before, I hope you are now! 

And people have been asking me for a sequel.....

No. Sorry, but no. I wrote "Finale" the way I did for you to make an analysis and conclusions based on what you think and/or feel. Writing a sequel would make it seem like (Y/N) isn't dead, and I don't want that. So no, no sequel. Every chapter in this book is what you're going to get, and "Finale" is the last, I repeat last, chapter. So please stop asking.

Thank you for reading my book! I hope I've made you laugh! (After all, I wrote this book to make others happy....) Have a great day! 


✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now