Lucky to Have You

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After you changed into a black nightgown, Jack took you upstairs to the wing where he kept his books, some Christmas items, etc.. He sat down in his moveable chair, setting you on his lap. He gave you some paper and scissors, instructing you to make some snowflakes while he made the finishing touches to the plans for Halloween which, mind you, was in one week.

As you began to fold and cut, you couldn't help but love the feeling of his arm around your waist. It made you feel safe and secure. You finished the snowflake quickly, softly saying, "Finished!"

Jack looked at you before widening his eye sockets. "How did you do that?!"

"Um....I folded the paper and cut random shapes into it.... Did I do something wrong?"

"No! You did it right!"

You sweatdropped. "I think that came out wrong, Jack."

"I mean it didn't turn out like a spider!"

You laughed, remembering the spider snowflakes from when you first entered his home. "Do you want me to show you?"

He nodded hastily and followed your instructions very carefully. "On three!" He smiled.

"One.....two....three!" You two yelled in sync as you unfolded the snowflakes. Yours looked perfect, but you accidentally fell off of Jack's lap in laughter when you saw his snowflake still turned out like a spider.

"What? H-how is this possible?!"

You rolled onto your back, laughing. But your laughter quickly stopped when you noticed Jack's face close to yours as he straddled you. A light blush came to your cheeks at the current situation. You didn't even hear him move! "(Y/N), how are you doing that?!"

"D-doing what?" You asked nervously.

"Making proper snowflakes!"

You began to laugh again. "Maybe you just aren't cut out for snowflakes, Jack."

Jack grunted as he sat back in the chair, and the two of you made snowflakes until you were interrupted by the howl of Wolfman. You looked outside to see that the sun had set, and in its place stood the bright moon.

"Oh dear. It has gotten quite late!" Jack said. "I guess I'm off to bed."

"I think I'm going to stay up here for a bit longer." You said.

"That's fine. Just please do go to bed at a reasonable time." Jack caressed your cheek softly before heading downstairs.

~~~~~~~~ (Revision date: 1/7/18)

While Jack slept, you hurried around the kitchen. You grabbed bowls and measuring cups and tons of ingredients. You quickly prepared three huge bowls filled nearly to the rim of soft, fluffy cookie dough. One bowl had been dyed red, the second black, and the third one a slimy green.

Placing a thin wrap over the bowls, you stuffed them into the fridge and moved on to the next step. You prepared tons of thick frosting of, again, many different colors. There were reds, greens, blacks, oranges, purples, and even a dark midnight blue.

Then, taking the bowls of dough out of the fridge and replacing them with the frosting, you prepared the dough for cutting. You flattened it with a rolling pin and added touches of flour to make it less sticky. Using Jack's cookie cutters, you began to cut Halloween figures into the now thin dough. There were witches and pumpkins; bats and spiders. Why, there was even a spider web one!

When one batch of cookies was all cut out, you would quick shove them into the oven and beginning cutting the next bowl of dough while they baked. Eventually, all of the cookies were baked, and each one came out perfectly; every single cookie came out soft and fluffy.

Stirring the bowls of frostings while letting the cookies cool, you began to delicately frost each cookie. Each one received a thick coating of rich, sugary frosting. And, for extra taste and effect, they all received some orange pumpkin-shaped sprinkles, as well as black bat-shaped sprinkles.

You sat down with a sigh of content, relieved to finally be finished. It felt like you had been working nonstop for hours beyond hours. With a cookie in hand, you took a bite and smiled with a hum. Delicious, as expected!

"Something smells lovely!" You heard Jack's voice. Turning to the doorway, you saw him standing with a huge smile on his skeleton face.

"Is it morning already?" You asked, looking out the window. And, to your surprise, the sun was just beginning to rise. "Oh my god, I was up all night!"

"You didn't sleep at all?" Jack asked. "But why? Did something keep you up?" He looked over at the counter, finding the hundreds of frosted cookies sitting out on a cookie sheet. "Wait a second...." He whispered, grabbing a cookie and tasting it. "These are those sugar cookies people make at Christmas!"

"Well, technically, these are Halloween cookies." You smiled. "Christmas cookies use bright and cheery colors and are shaped like Christmasy things." You walked over and gestured to the cookies. "And as you can see, these obviously aren't Christmas things."

"No matter what holiday these are for, they are delicious! I love them!"

"I'm glad, because I made them for the entire town!"

Jack let out a sigh of relief. "I was honestly worried you made these all for you and me."

You giggled. "Of course not! That's way too much for anyone, whether they're dead or not!"

"So, if I might ask.... Any special occasion for making these?" Jack asked as he gingerly grabbed another.

"Well everyone's been working really hard to perfect the performance for Halloween in a week, and I figured.... What better way to get everyone into the Halloween spirit with some Halloween cookies?" You smiled.

"Everyone will love them!" Jack cheered. "I feel like going on a scaring spree right now because of these!"

You laughed, giving the tall skeleton man a hug. "You'll have to wait for that, but I know that this Halloween will be spectacular!"

He chuckled, hugging you back. "You know, (Y/N)...."

'I'm so lucky to have you.'

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin