Revive Your Fear

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"What's this?" You asked. You and Jack we're currently surrounded by a ring of trees that had doors built into them.

"This is the Hinterlands." Jack explained. "These are the Holiday Doors. They are the passageways to the holidays that many know and love."

"I see..." You said. "Is something supposed to happen?"

"Not really. We're just trying to see if something can jog your memory. Do they look familiar?"

You shook your head.

Jack sighed, saying, "Well, I believe that Spiral Hill was the next place you landed...." He gently took your hand in his as you jumped into the orange door, landing softly on a trail.

He continued to lead you to a stony wall with a tall gate of black bars. Creaking loudly as it opened, Jack pulled you through the gateway and into the graveyard. "Anything yet?" He asked.

"No." You replied.

He stopped, letting your eyes rest on a large curl. "Wow...." You whispered in amazement. "It's so beautiful!"

"Does it ring a bell?" Jack asked hurriedly.

You thought a bit, killing poor Jack with the anticipation, before saying, "Not really. It looks familiar, though."

"Well that's a start. The next place you stopped, besides my house, was Town Hall."

You two walked through Halloween Town before stopping before a tall building. Taking you inside, Jack took you up onto a stage. "Do you remember what happened here?" He asked. "Do you remember the introduction you gave the town's residents?"

You thought very carefully before your head began to throb intensely. Gripping your head tightly and falling to the floor, you began to recall the thousands of faces sitting in the rows, calling out questions to you.

"(Y/N)!" Jack called. He kneeled in front you as he took hold of your shoulders. "(Y/N)! Are you alright?!"

"Y-yeah...." You muttered. "I finally....I finally remembered something!"

"What was it? Was it the meeting?!"


"Splendid!" Jack cheered. "Anything else besides that?"

"Unfortunately, no."

"At least we're getting somewhere! Now, to the treehouse!" He quickly pulled you out of the building.


You guys ran for what seemed like forever before coming back to the place you first woke up. Jack knocked on the door, which was quickly opened by Barrel.

"Jack!" He smiled as Lock and Shock came around the corner. "How's (Y/N)?"

"She's doing well!" Jack smiled brightly. "We just need to find some things that could help her recall any memories."

"We could show her the scorpions!" Lock suggested. "She was terrified of them!"

"Or we could take her to Mr. Oogie Boogie's lair!" Shock added.

"Let's do both!" Jack declared.

Lock took you to a small room filled with weapons and other supplies. Pulling out a wooden box, he opened the lid as three scorpions leaped out and landed in your hair. You shivered as you felt them crawl along your neck and face before your head began to throb once more. You could see a scorpion crawl along your face as Lock, Shock, and Barrel were sewing something together while filling it with jars and jars worth of bugs.

"I remember!" You said as you shook the roaming scorpions off of your body. "You three were sewing something together! You filled it with bugs and it came to life! Was that the Mr. Oogie Boogie that Shock spoke of?"

"Why yes, (Y/N)!" Lock smiled. "Come on! Let's take you to his lair!" Lock led you out of the treehouse to a cage. Jack was waiting for you on top, hanging on the rope. You realized that he was too tall to fit inside. You and Lock went inside and closed the cage door before descending down into the canyon.

Eventually, you began to see the glowing of bright colors. Stepping out of the cage when it hit land, you admired the bright, neon colors. Now this was really familiar.... You closed your eyes, recalling most of what happened down here. You remembered Oogie Boogie and the way he treated you. That's something I could've lived without remembering..... You remembered when Jack came to save you. You remembered being dropped into the pit.

"I remember this too!" You cheered with a smile. "I'm starting to recall some memories! But I know that's not all....."

"That's good, (Y/N)!" Jack smiled. "That's very swell! But we're missing something. Something important...."

"Maybe the doctor has an idea!" You exclaimed.

Jack nodded as you guys headed for the laboratory.


"So? How did it go?" The doctor asked with a smile.

"We're almost there, Doctor!" Jack smiled. "We're just missing one thing. Like a key ingredient!"

"Well what have you done so far?"

"We went to the Holiday Doors, Spiral Hill, Town Hall, and Oogie's lair. She only recalled memories at Town Hall and Oogie's lair, however."

"I know what you're missing. Although, you aren't going to be happy when you hear what it is."

"What? Tell me, Doctor!"

Doctor Finklestein maneuvered his chair over to a desk and lifted a large book into his lap. Wheeling back to you and Jack, he flipped through the pages before stopping. He pointed to the pages.

"No! Never!" Jack cried out. "I can't possibly do that to her! It ruined her life!"

"But it's the only way, Jack." The doctor said.

Jack looked at you softly and kneeled down, lightly grabbing your shoulders as he whispered, "(Y/N)..... The only way to bring back your memory....."

'Is to revive your fear.'

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now