Thank You

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*Jack's P.O.V.*

Sally's kiss was interrupted-thank god-by a loud bark. We both turned to the window to see Zero. He was barking frantically at us as he kept looking towards the woods.

"What's wrong with Zero?" Sally asked me.

"I'm not sure, but it has something to do with the woods...." I replied as I headed out the front door. I raced down the steps and followed Zero through the town, past the gate, and into the woods.

It didn't take long before Zero stopped. When I looked around, I saw the treehouse in which Oogie's boys lived. "Zero, why did you bring me here?" I asked.

I was confused, my question left unanswered, as I saw him fly over the chasm and to a window. He looked inside for a few seconds before flying back to me. I looked over at the window to see something moving. Squinting, I was able to make out a figure waving two arms. I gasped when I realized what it was. It was my angel! It was (Y/N)!

I quietly crept through the woods before crossing the bridge. Reaching the door, I looked to the window to see that (Y/N) was looking out with her hands pressed against the glass. She was frantically shaking her head, trying to tell me something.....but what?


*Your P.O.V.*

I awoke from my nap when I heard a small bark. Opening my eyes and sitting up, I was met with the blinding glow of Zero's nose. He smiled at me and flew back to the trees where I saw....

'Wait, is that him?! Like, is that really him?!' I smiled brightly as I whispered, "It's Jack!" I began to wave my arms, which soon caught his gaze. He smiled at me as he began to creep through the woods.

"What're you doing?!" I heard people yell behind me. Whipping around, I saw Lock, Shock, and Barrel sitting there, scowling.

"Um...n-nothing! Nothing!" I smiled innocently. "There was a bird in front of the window so I tried to scare it off."

They didn't believe me, so Lock jumped onto the couch and looked out. He cackled when he sang, "He's here!~"

The three cackled wildly as they began to set a trap in which Jack would fall into if he opened the door.

I looked back out the window to see him crossing the bridge. 'Oh no!' I thought. 'He's going to get caught!' Pressing my hands against the glass, I began to violently shake my head in attempt to prevent him from entering the treehouse.

He looked at me confused, but reached for the doorknob anyway. I heard the door creak open slowly, so I took the chance to yell, "WATCH OUT!"

Jumping off the couch, and ignoring the searing pain, I ran to the door to see Jack using his arms to lift himself off the ground with the doorframe. With a small swing, he soared over the trap and landed in front of me.

He smiled at me softly and was about to pull me into a hug when something pulled me away. He grunted angrily as he saw Lock and Shock gripping my wrists, pulling me over to the chute.

"Don't you dare!" His voice boomed.

"Oopsie!" The two chuckled with a shrug of their shoulders as they shoved me down the chute.

I fell down into the darkness, roughly landing on the roulette wheel platform once more. I heard the rattling of dice, along with a sinister laugh.

"So it seems little Jack has come to save the girl!" Oogie declared with a cackle.

I screamed as he grabbed my wrists, about to pull me away, when we heard, "Stop!" Oogie turned to see Jack glaring at him from across the wheel. "Let her go, Oogie!"

"Oh, I'm so scared!" Oogie said sarcastically, trying to get a rise out of the skeleton man. "I'm trembling! Why don't you come take her from me?!"

Jack snarled as the roulette wheel began to spin when Oogie stomped on a button. He looked at me, seeing the pain-filled tears of fear pouring out of my eyes when cards rose up that began swinging knives.

Effortlessly, Jack jumped through the knives, bending this way and that to avoid being cut. The cards soon lowered and the wheel came to a stop when Oogie held me by the throat over the pit in the middle, with Jack only a few feet away.

Jack froze instantly as he saw me begin to struggle. My lungs felt like they were going to explode from the lack of air! I'm pretty sure my face started to turn purple as my vision started getting fuzzy.

"Take one more step and I drop the girl!" Oogie threatened.

"What do you want, Oogie?" Jack asked, his voice deep and menacing.

"I want you to give the role of the Pumpkin King to me!"

Jack retorted, "In your dreams, Oogie!"

Oogie hissed at Jack before dropping me into the pit below. It burnt like hell! I thought my flesh was going to be burned off! I was getting burned to the bone! I tried to swim upward to the surface, but I only sank lower and lower.

This was it. This was my death. I lived a good life.....wait, scratch that. My life has been terrible! The only good thing that happened was when I met Jack! He is the only good thing in my life!

I could hear Jack's muffled yells from above, and as I was on the verge of death, I had one last thought flow through my melting mind.....

'Thank you......for everything......'

✔️Jack Skellington x Reader - AfraidWhere stories live. Discover now