“Come in, Zayn, front door please, don’t want you breaking the window sill.” Liam’s mom said without any rudeness in her comment, just simple concern for her already in-need-of-a-huge-makeover-home.

            Zayn practically ran inside and ran into Liam’s room closing the door behind him.

            “Liam! Liam!” Zayn closed the door behind him, gasping for air. “I-I am so sorry. I-I don’t… I don’t know what got into me… I just got really upset… because… I just… I knew you thought of me as a person who would go behind someone else’s back and talk about how someone’s personal, family life is… I just… I’m sorry I sound like such a twat to you…”

            Liam stayed silent fumbling with the strings of his headphones.

            “I… I’m sorry.” Zayn said looking down, he was still standing up by the doorway waiting for Liam to tell Zayn to leave any second now. He observed Liam, who was sitting in the bed and watched him as he fidgeted with his headphones.

            Liam took a deep breath and asked the question that had been running through his head since Zayn said the words during the fight, “Did you honestly think it would work out somehow between us?”

            “Huh?” Zayn said dazed at the question that came out of nowhere. But those words coming out of Liam’s gentle lips in his soft voice did somehow magically caused his heart to flutter somehow.

            “Y-You said it,” Liam started to slap himself, Zayn had probably just said it to get his hopes up, he probably just said it because he got mad, he didn’t mean it, “N-Never mind.”

            “Oh, no yeah. Yeah. During the argument? I said it right…?” Zayn bit his lip and looked down at his feet swallowing the lump in his throat. Zayn took slow, careful, hesitant steps towards the edge of Liam’s bed. He squatted down and sat in Liam’s mattress which wasn’t propped up on anything causing it to be very, very low on the floor.

            “Y-Yeah…” Liam couldn’t help his curiosity, he didn’t care if Zayn didn’t mean it, he just wanted to find out why he said it.

            Zayn looked at Liam and then back down at Liam’s fumbling hands, “I…um… Yeah… I meant it… I still mean it… I mean… I feel… I don’t know… I just… I… It… It could work out… Y’know? Right?... Maybe I’m crazy, I don’t know… Who knows, yeah?”

            Liam pushed himself closer to Zayn, Zayn marked it to his mental list of some of the first moves Liam has done on him.

            “Kiss me, Zayn.”

            Zayn’s heart fluttered he loved it when Liam said those words.

            “Why don’t you kiss me?” Zayn said, then slapping himself because then Liam won’t want the kiss anymore.

            “B-Because… I…”

            Zayn leaned closer to him, knees touching, sparks flying in both boys bodies.

            “I’m scared I’ll miss your lips.” Zayn saw a blush creep into Liam’s pores.

            Zayn couldn’t handle Liam’s cuteness and vulnerability, he kissed him. He kissed him hard, no regrets this time. He kissed him passionately, he kissed him hungrily. This was what Zayn wanted, right? He liked Liam. He found Liam cute. He liked him, right?

            Both boys molded each other’s lips into the movement the others boy’s lips was moving. The kiss defining each other’s sadness and longing after the fight, defining how they realized their feelings, defining how one night after a fight told them their true feelings.

            Liam pulled back and leaned his forehead against Zayn’s.

            “I forgive you.”

            Liam blindly aimed for Zayn’s lips, finding them and kissing them and before he could deepen the kiss Zayn was the one to pull back and say something.

            “Let’s make this work.”

            With that Zayn pecked Liam’s lips.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A/N: Happy 2014 everyone. Sorry for the late update. I truly apologize for the semi-hiatus this is so unlike me, but just saying high school homework and work sucks. So, yeah. Love you all. ♥

This one is dedicated to all of you. ☺

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