They came to an abrupt stop from their running. She opened her mouth to ask why they were stopping but Newt put his finger to his lips. She nodded and looked around.

They had stopped at a grove of bamboo trees. They pushed through the leaves, Newt tugging at her hand and enter a circle lined with the bamboo trees, with a small, crystal-blue pond at the center. Next to the pond, a creature that seemed familiar was protectively curled around a nest.

"Newt," Tina whispered. "Is that what I think it is?"

"If you're thinking it's a Niffler, no," Newt murmured. "They are relatives though. They have a lot of similarities, but the main thing that sets them apart is their difference in color."

Newt then turned to look at Tina, who was watching the mother watch the eggs start to crack.

She could feel his gaze on her, and she felt happy that he was looking at her, but really just wanted to see the birth up close. She turned to him, who was already looking at her and quickly turned away as she made eye contact.

"Newt," she said, tugging his arm. "Can we please get closer? I... I really want to see this."

He looked at her, as if seeing her differently. "Absolutely," he said surprised. "Step exactly where I step."

They slowly creeped on the grass, not making a noise until they were about a foot away. The eggs just started to crack, and a small, furry animal came scuttling out of the egg, immediately curling up to its mother. Newt reluctantly let go of her hand, scrambling down notes in his notebook. They sat down in the grass, watching the animals hatch one by one and nestle themselves to their mom.

"What, you haven't recorded this yet?" Tina asked, surprised.

"No, they're a new species I found traveling in Mongolia. Quite rare," he said excitedly. "Nobody knows why they come out white. They're fur eventually changes to a dull silver, but they're still one of the most beautiful creatures I've ever gotten to write about." He glanced at her, and she smiled encouragingly to go on. He didn't. He sat up suddenly, and she did the same.

She looked at him, confused. "Did I do something?"

"I'm really not boring you," Newt demanded.

"Of course not!" she said, smiling. "Being completely truthful, I find this entire world fascinating, Newt. And besides, it's something you're passionate about, and I think it's really inspiring. No ones cares as much as you, and..." she trailed off. He was staring at her in that weird way again.

"Why do you keep staring at me like that?" she asked. She knew it was sort of rude, but she had to know if it was a good or bad thing.

"Like what?" he asked nervously.

She made him nervous? Usually it was the situation, not her as far as she knew. "Like I'm a completely different person or something," she said, embarrassed when she said it out loud.

Fortunately, he seemed embarrassed too. "Well I kind of am, in a way," he admitted. "I guess I just- I didn't realize there was this side of you." He focused his stare at the new hatchlings.

She smiled to herself. "Newt, I-" she started. He looked back at her, and when he realized she was smiling, she saw his shoulders relax.

"You still want to see them up close?" Newt asked.

"Of course," she said, excited. Newt slowly leaned forward towards them. He scooped up two of the creatures and held them in his hands. He nudged Tina, who slid closer so that they were right next to each other and she gently picked one up, and cradled it to her chest. Her eyes softened and she gently caressed its back, and it nuzzled against her fingertips. She laughed, and it happily rested, content. She looked at Newt, who was watching her again. Then the creature fought for his attention, and he focused on making it happy.

"Newt," she said. He immediately looked at her. "Thank you. For everything. This is incredible."

Newt grinned. "I'm glad you love them as much as I do," he said, and seemed to think for a second. Then he leaned forward and kissed her on her forehead.

As she breathed towards him, her creature jumped onto her and she fell back into the grass, laughing. Leave it to a creature to interrupt a moment. But she didn't mind. She had already bonded with it.

"What are you going to call them?" she asked.

"I'm not sure yet. But we can call them whatever we want," he said.

"We?"she noticed. Newt nodded. "I figured you should be able to name your own species one day," he said teasingly.

"I guess, if you insist" she said, sarcastically. He laughed.

She felt genuinely happy, in her favorite place and with Newt. She sighed and stared into the blue sky, as the creatures leaped around the grove.

Newt Returns to New York (Newtina Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now