Lucy: Hermione's Diary- Harry Potter Series

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Year One

Dear Diary,

Today Harry, Ron, and I faced a very terrifying three headed dog. I've only been at this school a few months and my friends are already getting me into trouble! Maybe I shouldn't have come here in the first place. 

Year Two

Dear Diary,

This year was freaky! I got petrified by a basilisk! A basilisk is a scaly snake like thing. If you look into its glowing yellow eyes, you die! I'm so glad I brought that mirror my mom gave me. Otherwise I would be dead. I admit, Harry and Ron are starting to grow on me.

Year Three

Dear Diary,

Wow. So much has happened I can't even explain it! First off, I got An adorable cat named Crookshanks. She's a mix between a  Kneazle and a normal cat. Secondly, I found out that my Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is a werewolf! And third, in the words of my teacher professor Lupin, " You saved an innocent man from a terrible fate!"  Sirius Black. We saved a PRISONER! I know! Me! Ron didn't get to do the fun part. He was in the hospital wing with Madame Pomfrey. Really he was with us I guess. I guess you'll just have to use my time turner to find out the whole story!

Year Four

I'm still crying. I was just at a funeral. Cedric Diggory's  funeral. I should probably explain. This year Hogwarts hosted the Triwizard Tournament. It consisted of three tasks. The first task had DRAGONS! I was really scarred for Harry. We actually made the front page. Not that it was a good thing. It was all Rita Skeeters fault, she caught me giving Harry a good luck hug. It was all in the wrong context. Anyways,  Harry was fine. The second task was tricky. I didn't even get to watch most of it. Mainly because I was part of it! I was underwater having to be saved by one of the Triwizard champions, Viktor Krum. Oh yes, did I forget to mention? Viktor actually took ME to the Yule Ball! Ron was jealous for some reason though. Harry and him took Padma and Parvati Patil. Moving on, the third task was a maze. A GIANT maze. Harry won, but as he was coming out, I noticed something was wrong. He was sobbing over the dead body of Cedric Diggory. He was a Hufflepuff. He died under the order of Lord Voldemort. The funeral was sad. I hope all of this madness ends soon!

Year Five

This year was the worst yet! I didn't even know that was possible! I got almost perfect O.W.L.S which was good though . The worst news of all, would have to be that Sirius Black, Harry's godfather, died. This awful teacher named Delores Umbridge taught Defense Against the Dark Arts this year . She didn't even teach us any spells, so Harry, Ron, and I had to start Dumbledores Army. Harry taught everyone spells, and then we fought at the Minestry of Magic. The years are getting really hectic!

Year Six

Whoa. My life is crazier than ever. Ever since Dumbledore died, everything's been really crazy. Snape killed him! I know! I was just as shocked as you are! I knew there was something wrong with him. He was also the Half- Blood Prince! Voldemort is officially ruling at the moment since the only one he was ever afraid of is gone. Ron and I are going horecrux hunting with Harry next school year. I have to miss a whole year of school!

Year Seven

In the words of peeves the poltergeist," Old Voldys gone moldy so let's have some fun!!"

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