|| z. malik |*|

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Zayn: "But You Are Perfect."


Setting: Home alone on a Friday night.

It's Friday night and like always I've got nothing to do. The thing about me is that I'm very asocial. I don't like talking to people. Socializing with others is something I've never liked to do. I mean, I'm not shy or anything. I could easily be considered very outgoing. You see, the problem isn't how outgoing I am or not, but the fact that I don't like people.

I don't find it necessary to make friends. I've never had a boyfriend before in my life. In reality, I've only got one friend and he's gone for more than half of the year doing this little thing called work. Now even if I told you who my friend was you probably wouldn't believe me. You'd think, "Yeah right this girl would be friends with Zayn Malik" but I am. I knew him long before he was a part of One Direction.

Anyway, it's Friday night and having nothing to do was something very normal for me. I found it a need to spend my time on social media, ironic I know, but it's really all I do besides reading. After spending a great deal mindlessly scrolling through tumblr and pinterest I came to the conclusion that I would never be as perfect as any of the girls I saw on there. I would never be perfect. I'm not going to say I'm ugly cause in all honesty I'm not... But I'm not drop dead gorgeous either. I'm just there. I'm the kind of person that you would just overlook and not notice.There were many features I could never and would never like about myself and well I was dealing with it.

I logged into Twitter which really is only for myself. I've got only just one real follower, Zayn, and other than that, nothing but a bunch of random people who follow me then unfollow me within the same week. The thing about Twitter is that I never use it. When I post something it’s basically because I need to vent to all the strangers, but really, it’s pointless. I know nobody reads my tweets; and to be honest, I'm glad they don't because that would be weird. 

I am so disgusted with myself right now... why is everyone so perfect and I'm just plain old ugly me... </3
Well, that's one of those things I don't want those strangers to read, but I couldn't really stop myself from posting it.

I was bored with everything and decided to go to bed instead. Right before I was about to turn off my laptop, I got a face time request.

I didn’t answer it. I literally just stared at the laptop screen for what seemed like an hour, but was really just a minute. After not answering, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I knew who it was, but I didn’t want to answer. He was only going to get mad at me for posting that last tweet. And the last thing I need, right now, is pity from him.

Zayn: Vanessa answer me right now! I know that you’re staring at the screen because it’s what you always do. But I really need you to answer me right now.

I know he knows what I’m doing. I know he knows that I read the message. I know he knows that I’m staring at the screen not wanting to answer. I know he does. It’s just so hard having to face him sometimes. Most other people would just tell me that I’m over exaggerating, and then just drop it and never try to get me to see otherwise. But Zayn has always been different.  He has always made me realize that I’m not necessarily the way I view myself; although, after a while of not talking to him, I completely forget. I forget about everything he’s said. I forget about everything.


Okay, so I’m not ugly, but I’m definitely far from perfect. It doesn’t matter what anyone says…

I cannot talk to him. I don’t want to.

Zayn: Vanessa please answer me…

Zayn: I know you don’t want to believe me, but you are perfect.

Vanessa: no Zayn I’m not. I’m not perfect. I don’t want to hear it. Because I know that it’s not true.

Zayn: you’re perfect to me

Vanessa: am not! Look I’m nowhere near perfection. Trust me.

Zayn: look I know you don’t like certain things about yourself, but I love it all about you.

Zayn: I know you can’t stand listening to your own voice, but to tell you the truth that is the best voice I’ve ever heard. And in all honesty I can’t get enough of it. I want to hear it 24/7 and it hurts to know that I can’t.

Zayn: I know you don’t like to smile because of the crinkles it creates by your eyes. But let me tell you that that is one of the most beautiful sights anyone could see. And the fact that I can’t see that makes me very upset.

Zayn: I know you don’t like to look at yourself in the mirror because you don’t like what you see. But I love that reflection. I love everything about you down to the last freckle.

Zayn: basically what I’m saying is that I’m in love with you. And even though you don’t believe it I will always be in love with you. I have been for years and nothing is going to change that.

“And I mean it, nothing will change the fact that I am in love with you, Vanessa. Nothing.” Zayn’s sudden voice startled me. I turned around slowly to face him and found myself happy to see him. It’s been months since I last saw him and I couldn’t believe that he was truly here in front of me.


“Yes, I’m here. And I believe I just told you something that you probably not even processing. I love you.”

“Yes Zayn, I heard you. And although, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to think about it the first thing that comes to my mind is…”


“I- I love you too.”

I saw the look on his face change into one of relief.

“I was beginning to think that I would never hear those words.”

Before I had the chance to respond, or even process it, I was being pulled into him. He immediately leaned in and pressed his warm lips against mine.

Author's Note: So I was just listening to Little Things and well this came out in the process lol. Umm sorry for any errors or anything that may or may not make sense. I wrote this on my phone while I was sitting in traffic last night and well I didn't really read it over again... 

**Edited again** so I added in a name, I think I like it better this way. umm I don't own that twitter handle, and unless it has changed since the last time I checked, it doesn't belong to anyone. If you suddenly claim the twitter handle and do not want me using it in this story, kindly let me know and I will remove it. 

*** ps. So I wrote a story using this one shot and the next one it's called Shout About It. If you'd like to read it, you can find it on my profile. It is a completed work, and I'd like to think that it's actually pretty great. So yeah, check it out. ***

Anyway, vote if you liked it. (this has a continuation/ second part to it)

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