|| n. horan |**|

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Niall Imagine: "Happy New Year?"


It was New Years Eve. Niall and I were out at a hotel party that a friend of his was throwing. I gladly went along with him because I really just wanted to spend time with him. But, to be honest, I really had no idea what to expect from the party.

I got ready in the best outfit that I could find in my closet. We got a hotel room knowing that we would be leaving late and both of us would most likely be drunk. So we had come to the conclusion that driving wouldn’t be an option so getting a room was the best choice.

Shortly after arriving at the party, though, I started to feel a bit sick and light headed. I couldn’t figure out why and tried to simply ignore it. I had a few drinks and decided it would be best for me to go upstairs and lie down. The symptoms from earlier that night seemed to be getting worse rather than better. I had also lost Niall in the process of getting a few drinks. Seeing as though the party was crowded, I decided it would be best to text him and let him know that I would be upstairs. I knew he would check his phone eventually, and so I went ahead and walked to the elevator and headed to our room.

Niall Horan:

I looked down at the watch Jasmine gave me for Christmas and saw that it was 11:30 pm. I found it weird that I haven’t seen or heard from her since about an hour after we arrived. My friends said that she was going to get a drink and talk to some people for a while. But that was at least two hours ago. I’m sure she would have came back by now; or at least came to look for me, and let me know herself where she had been.

“Hey guys; are you sure you haven’t seen Jasmine around lately? I mean, really, it’s been a while since I’ve seen her anywhere, and I’m starting to get worried. This isn’t like her at all.”

I got a bunch of “no, sorry” or simply just a shake of their heads. No one has seen her.

Sally, the host of the party, said that she had last seen her being a bit too friendly with another guy and saw her leaving with him. Now that, I could not, and would not, believe. My Jasmine would not do a thing like that. She wouldn’t just leave. She especially wouldn’t leave with some other guy. I decided that I would wait around a couple more minutes. I’m sure she was bound to show up within the next couple of minutes seeing as though the new year was about to come around.

“TEN MINUTES TIL THE NEW YEAR!” somebody in the crowd yelled out.

I kept an eye out for her, and kept an eye on the time again.

A couple minutes went by and Sally made an announcement. “Hey everybody, thanks for coming. The New Year is now only seven minutes away and I would like everyone to find the one they came with, or simply find someone out there for their new year’s kiss! This is important so make sure you do it within the next couple of minutes, because the New Year will be here before you know it.”

Now, I was starting to get anxious. I still could not find Jasmine and time was passing.

“Niall, come on. Just get over the fact that Jasmine is probably off kissing some other guy and start the year off with someone new, someone better. And by someone, I mean me. I’d make you happier than she ever will.”

“Sally, I cannot believe you even just said that. We are friends and nothing more. Jasmine is all I ever wanted so you can’t just go on saying something like that. She makes me the happiest man alive, and she wouldn’t be with anyone else.”

“Right, so then tell me, where is she Niall? Because she obviously has somewhere else she’d rather be!”

“I don’t know where she is, but I’m definitely not kissing you! I am going to look for her.”

I started walking away looking around frantically. Then the thought occurred to me. “I should call her!”

I don’t know why I hadn’t thought about that sooner. Now, with only four minutes left, I had to find her. I pulled out my phone to dial her number, but found a new message notification.

Hey babe. I can’t seem to find you anywhere, but I’m not feeling well at all. I’m very light headed right now and it feels as if I’m going to faint if I don’t get some rest, so I’m going up to our room. Don’t mind me. I’ll be fine. Have fun with your friends. Oh and Happy New Year love! Xx

I cannot believe I hadn’t checked my phone sooner. I had forgotten I even had it. I ran to the elevator and saw the same people waiting for it from two minutes ago. It might be faster to run up to our floor. We aren’t too far from our floor now. The party is only 3 floors away from our room seeing as it is in one of the higher banquet rooms.  I ran up the stairs determined to make it up on time.


I woke up at around 11:30 to get a drink of water and use the facilities.

I went straight back to bed. Before drifting off to sleep, I looked for my phone. It was somewhere within the bed covers. I always seem to lose it down there.

Once I found it, I checked for a missed call, or even a simple reply from Niall, but was disappointed to see that I didn’t have either. I know I told him to have fun and not to mind me, but I did, at least, wanted a reply. It’s the least he could do. I mean, I know this wasn’t what we had planned, but it’s what happened, and I would prefer it if he could be considerate about me.

Well, happy new year to me…

***11:59 PM***

I’ve been drifting in and out of sleep for the past thirty minutes. I still haven’t gotten a reply from Niall, and figured that I wasn’t going to get one. He was busy, and I didn’t want to be a pain in the ass so I let him be. I decided going back to sleep would be the best option.

I began drifting back to sleep when I heard someone trying to open the door. I hoped it was just someone mistakenly trying to open my door rather than their own. I sighed in relief when I no longer heard anything. They must’ve figured it out. I rolled over to my side to face away from the door and closed my eyes.

“Jasmine, are you in here? Please tell me you are?” I heard Niall’s voice in the other room.

I knew it was probably just my imagination because Niall was with his friends and wouldn’t just come back. But when I heard his voice getting closer and closer, to the point where he must’ve been right beside the bed, I knew it wasn’t my mind playing tricks on me. At least, I hoped it wasn’t.

“Jasmine, you’re here! Wake up!” he yelled and while also trying to catch his breath.

“Niall? What are you doing here? I told you not to worry about me, and to stay with your friends,” I said; although, I was really just happy to see him here in the room with me.

“Well, I came for my new year’s kiss silly! You promised I would get one, and now it looks like I’m going to get it. I didn’t run up here for nothing.”

I smiled at him while he got closer and leaned in to kiss me. Surprisingly enough our lips touched as the clock chimed twelve.  

“Happy new year, Niall.”

“Happy new year, Jasmine.”

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